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Hey! < Oops on Norman > is building its raid team to push into mythics now and start strong going into SL.

We’re a 1 night guild for those that can’t commit tons of time, but want to progression raid with a solid group.

Sat. 8-11 EST.

My btag is Golad#1202 if you have any questions!

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We are Organized Crime on Zul’jin and looking for peeps who still enjoy the game and WANT to play - we are 5/12M and we raid Tues/Wed from 7:30pm-10pm eastern. We also have an active mythic+ key pushing roster.

btag: Emeraldwine#1888
or discord: Puddin#1987


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Sieara#1968 (we’re on ZJ) - CE focused though. 8pm-11pm EST T/W/Th. Just returned from a long break.

Are you the same Sierra from Turalyon?!

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Hey there Alswearengen,

I know you say that you want to be done by 11pm EST but I wasn’t sure how flexible you are with an extra hour as our raids end at 12am EST. Check us out and see if you’re interested!

Proficient (formerly known as Proficient in Wagons) formed during ABT and has stayed active throughout the end of Legion and through BFA. We were 8/8 H 3/8 M in EP, and currently 6/12 M Nya. Our Raid Nights are Tuesday/Wednesday 9:00pm to 12:00am EST. We usually do alt/optional runs on Saturday based on interest. We are not a hardcore guild aiming for CE, however we do like to make progress in Mythic where we can, which means raiders should come with knowledge of the fights before raid time. Currently, we are killing around 7 bosses in heroic on Tuesdays, so that everyone in the guild that wishes to raid is able to. We then transition to Mythic for the rest of Tuesday and Wednesday. We are looking at the possibility of doing both mythic nights, however, we are looking for a group of people committed to doing that before transitioning.

Pushing M+ keys has been a growing priority in the guild as more people are looking for challenging content outside of raids. Our active members are currently getting their +15s done every week with little to no trouble. We have multiple guild members with .io 2k+. Future members are welcome to join push teams if they are interested and able.

Our main objective is to keep up an active and enjoyable guild throughout BfA until Shadowlands drops.

We have an active discord at night and highly encourage its use outside of events for greater enjoyment of the game. Discord is required for events (raids).

We are looking for multiple classes to fill in our numbers. Mythic spots are set by performance and/or comp for progression, and then we try to rotate people in for rekills. We have most recently killed Hivemind, and Raden.

If interested, feel free to reach our GM through a PM, or in game yaomingdave#1615, or in discord yaomingdave#4312. You can also reach me (I’m an officer also) at Adencelais#1597.

Thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon!

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Yeah. BFA killed my realm and forced me to leave finally. RIP Turalyon.

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Probably not ideal for you but we are on Zul’jin as well and I think with my core and yours we could possibly make a great shadowlands team let me know what you think here’s my battle tag Mako#1649 and here’s the guild link

Sarrus#1238… Add me would love to chat

Hey Als, guild formed 3 weeks ago on Hivemind 20%, 4/12. Would be CE if started from 8.3 beginning

H] Zul’jin < Forgotten Winter > Tues / Wed /Thur 8:00PM - 10:00pm Est

Server: Zul’Jin Faction: Horde

We are currently looking for dedicated players to join and rebuild our raiding guild/team. Our guild has members that have been together for over 10 years and our goal is to build a community within the guild where our members can feel at home and know everyone that is in our guild. We are a group of people that enjoy playing the game with each other and focus on the current raiding content. We have a laid-back raid environment while also making sure we are focusing on taking down bosses. We also enjoy pushing mythic+ keys and want to include everyone that comes into our guild, regardless of what the content is.

Our current plan is to rebuild as fast as we can and get everyone their AoTC and Mythic Kills, most of us have our AoTC achievement and Mythic kills. We plan on being a Heroic / Mythic raiding guild, that also pushes Mythic + and PVP as well.

Raid Times are set for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ( 12/12 H , ) (4/12M)
We accomplished this in 4 hours of raid on the first week (Guild created 2 weeks ago) [June 1st]

-8:00PM - 10:00PM EST


  • Currently looking for:
  • DPS Melee: Monk, DH, DK,
  • DPS Ranged: Warlock, Mage, Boom, Hunter
  • Healer: Priest, Monk, Druid
  • All DPS and healers are welcome, whether experienced or just willing to learn and push their character

If you are interested in our guild please contact us either by Btag or Discord


-Jimlar#1706 GM
-Safeguyz#2359 Recruiter
-Kintosh#1972 Raid leader


-Jimlar#4890 GM
-Rpbster#4644 Recruiter
-Mat/Hakkall#3714 Raid Leader

We look forward to talking

Hi there! We’re a 12/12M team that is rebooting our roster after swapping from alliance to horde. We are hoping to push mythic progression again as we have gotten CE the last two tiers. We have room for a large group and would love to take all of you if our raid times work!

Here’s our spam if you’re interested :slight_smile:

We’re a daytime Mythic guild previously on Sargeras (Alliance) who have decided to make the swap to Horde on Area 52 for Shadowlands. We are looking to enhance our roster with skilled and reliable players.

Our group is one of friends, who push each other towards excellence in game while maintaining a healthy sense of humor and clear sense of direction. We are a level-headed bunch, hungry for progress. We have a low tolerance for drama and do our best to foster a positive in-game environment.

Swell’s core is composed of veteran raiders. Some of us have been playing together for years, and some of us are new friends. We have a solid foundation for our dream team – we’re searching for a few more to help round us out!

Currently, our main search is for competent, hard hitting DPS. As we move into the tail end of the expansion, we are looking to relax after earning CE and build our roster for the upcoming (and exciting) changes in Shadowlands. We normally maintain a 25-30 person roster to flex for boss requirements and schedule changes.

Swell has historically fielded a bunch of key pushers, and we work together to get everyone a decent key completed every week, and we have interest in rated BGs, transmog and achievement runs. Alts, friends, and families are always welcome!

[H] <Swell> 12/12M 12/12H NYA [8/8M CE 8/8H TEP]
Raid Times: 9am-12pm CST | Weds/Thurs/Fri
Monday/Tuesday are sometimes OPTIONAL flex days early in the tier, but we generally have Heroic sales Tuesday at reset (11am CST) during active raiding seasons.

** Note: We are primarily looking for DPS, but we will consider any exceptional talent. **

wowprogress - /guild/us/sargeras/swell
raider io - /guilds/us/sargeras/Swell

Mythic raiding experienced is absolutely required. We have mandatory addons and WeakAuras that we expect all raiders to use. Discord is required, and a working mic is necessary.

We are a guild of dedicated and ambitious players. Commitment to our raid times is mandatory. We’re interested in consistent players who are realistic and honest about their day-to-day schedule. Raiders are required to communicate any tardiness or absences via a Discord channel or through tells with an Officer. Schedules change, things come up and real life always comes first. All we ask for is a heads up!

Trial Period
Two weeks from start date or six consecutive days demonstrating attendance and competent play. Start date begins on the first raid day you are present. Trials are always given a feedback session at the end of their trial period and we encourage you to talk with us during and before this about anything and everything.

What you can expect from us:

  • Dedicated leadership.
  • Effective communication.
  • Well defined goals.
  • A sense of community.
  • Good attitudes.
  • Honest and helpful feedback.
  • Raid materials (Vantus Runes, feasts, cauldrons).

Our Officers are always available to speak with, and we expect our raiders to help us maintain open lines of communication about their needs and concerns.

What we expect from you:

  • 90% Attendance rate, as well as being on time (early).
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Survivability and understanding of mechanics while excelling at your role.
    Many players struggle to do one - we are looking for both.
  • Ability to introspect regarding your play in order to be constantly improving.

If we sound like a good fit, let us know! Reply here, then send us a tell on BNET/Discord. Or you can go old school and send in-game mail to Khavá, Kalanee, or Foxicopter! Thanks for checking us out and we hope to see you in gchat soon. :smiley_cat:

:eyes: Battlenet Contacts :eyes:

Khavá - Ezmaya#1410 / sovereign#6676
Kalanee - Kalanii#1116 / Kalanii#9911
Foxicopter - Foxeye#1617 / Foxicopter#9801