Remove phasing if you are in PvP combat

Please do this. The amount of people who have been using the phasing between servers or whatever it is to escape pvp after they attack people first is beyond stupid.

You should not be able to attack people in PvP combat and than run into the ENEMY city or out of the ENEMY city to get away from the people you attacked if things go sideways.

This is purely bad game design and very annoying, and only benefit the low tier pvpers who use stupid tricks to not die instead of actually practicing and getting better at the game.


It’s likely the person taking a queue or people abusing the follower dungeon system to escape PvP combat. There’s lots of players that do this as of recent with the implementation of Follower Dungeons since it’s an instant, no cooldown, solo queue thing.

They really do need to fix this in particular, it’s really annoying.

This is a completely separate issue, I assume you’re seeing players fighting in front of Orgrimmar or Stormwind and they rush in the second things get bad, right? Might seem like a weird solution but one thing you can do is take a look at what server they’re on.

If they’re from Tichondrius for example and you’re on Area52, yeah, you won’t see them because they’re entering their server’s city (Stormwind and Orgrimmar are special cases, since they share both WM off/on players). So, what you should do is get invited by someone who’s from Tichondrius server while they remain in the city. When you enter the city, youll be in the leaders city shard, which happens to be Tichondrius, same as the other guy running in and out. Now he can’t run away from you. If you can’t see him, it’s likely they have someone in their group, such as a +1, who’s from a different server and happened to shard into the city first, making it his or her server’s city (if that +1 is on Sargeras instead, you’ll need to do the same thing as you previously did but on Sargeras now.)

Sort of a pain, but if you have a second license or account you can easily do this by creating a character on the server and inviting your main to it.

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