Remove personal loot trade restrictions

Because it trickles down to pugs. Like everything.

What trickles down to PuGs?
They literally have NO control over your character and the items you get.

You just don’t trade them, problem solved. The only person that can make your character trade those items is you, and you alone.

I’d actually say this is one thing that hasn’t trickled down to pugs. Almost every progression guild uses RC Lootcouncil or some other personal loot help addon. I’ve never seen any pugs use or require them.

I think his concern regarding pugs is getting kicked from the group for refusing to trade an item, and thats fair. Remove trading restrictions between guildies is a perfectly viable compromise, i think.

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It would be nice to have some kind of benefit for being a part of a guild, for once.


Just don’t loot then. Then noone knows. After the run is finished the postmaster will deliver you anything you won anyway.

I have honestly never seen anyone pressure me to give up loot . Heck I’ll list an item and if multiple people want it I have them roll and if someone asks and it is an upgrade I can use I let them know .I also let them know if it is an ilvl upgrade I can’t use then tell them sorry I can’t trade.

Like I said never been pressured only ever been asked.

Know where it happens the most, if these forums are anything to go by?

In Lfr.

How many posts do we see here from some angry casual raging because a big meanie wouldn’t give him their loot in Lfr.

Remove loot restrictions for guilds. Leave them for everyone else. Best system under PL.


Oh, I’ve been raged at for not trading PL before. I kept it for transmog, the guy didn’t like that answer, felt I should prioritize his upgrade over my transmog. Would’ve been exactly the same scenario if PL trading was unrestricted though, because it for sure wasn’t an ilvl upgrade.

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Man I just think back to the days of Dragon Soul LFR using Group Loot. What beautiful chaos.

Not saying it doesn’t happen in LFR but it happens in normal and heroic too. Maybe I’m just tired of people… but how things are imo is good. Lift the restrictions for 100% guild groups and call it a day.

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What’s with all the low testosterone individuals that play this game and seem unable to say, “no.” Like, how hard is it to tell someone “no” when they ask for your drops?


I’m pretty thankful I have low testosterone because girls with beards isn’t a good look. Saying no is easy, getting ******* at for it or removed is less than pleasant. Same goes for having to look for a new group that’s on or near the same boss.


Time to put your big boy pants on.

Meh I don’t have to worry about that anymore though :wine_glass:. I come to raid for the fun of the fights and the eventual mounts. I take the gear and mog as they come.

Ok, so this thread has no value to you.

I raid, of course loot matters to me otherwise it’s kinda hard to progress and get into groups.

That didn’t change what I said in the slightest.

This thread is about loot restrictions. I doubt I have anything new to say to you that I haven’t already stated. Read above.

Removing loot restrictions, something that doesn’t effect you because, as you say:

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