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Dude with 6000 posts telling others to seek help. Brother i dont know what has gone wrong in your world. But this aint it

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You just claimed I couldn’t put 2 + 2 together, when you can’t read numbers.

Your toon is named after a shaman ability and you seem to hate shamans.

You’ve also claimed I’m in “every shaman thread defending them” but can’t provide proof of the claim.

Need I continue?

Again … you’re super delusional and suffer from some weird obsession in a video game. Seek help asap.

You are taking the forums of a 20 year old dying game way too seriously. Ive seen you in other threads. Its not worth my time to go through them and quote you because my time is more valuable than that. Enjoy geting your weird comfort from strangers on a public forum brother.

Well, if I have as many responses as I have on the forums color me surprised you’ve seen me on other threads.

Annnnnd boom … there we have it folks. Someone full of hot air and fluff making invalid claims toward another forum goer with nothing to back it up. You’re free to go now with your tail tucked. :wave:

Nope i just dont care as i know its a forum of a 20 year old game. Seems to be your life but

It’s okay. You’re dismissed.

but…but what? wftotembiden cant finish a thought