Remove paladins

They just arent good. They can’t even kill shaman kek. I’d be ok with renaming the class to “Cleric”

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Imagine spending your time trying to make a troll post on blizz forums. Its times like these where you step back and re evaluate what you are doing in life.


So you’re in favor of renaming the class to “cleric”?

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What has your life become brother


Thanks sister. Ok so thats 2 in support of Cleric

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that’s because The Elementals on the developer team have lent their powers of storm, earth, and fire to shamans tenfold.

however, on our side, the paladins of SoD have been forsaken by Highlord Upright


…whispers in the dark… don’t say thine name

Cleric is what “the name that should not be spoken” refers to xis class who cannot kill shaman. Cleric is this sense means “one who cannot kill shaman”.

I have seen “the name that should not be spoken” auto-attack-SLAP shaman silly, slapping the orc racial from their dead soon-to-be-violated corpses. There is no room in the order for others

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Let them use staffs and let gnomes be clerics.


Dunno why the mods don’t bite the bullet and give these blatant forum trolls vacation time both from the forum and the game. If they act like yhis here, it surely translates in game and that’s just toxicity the community doesn’t need.

you spelt genesis wrong, unless u were going for some type of new generation isis

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You just have to think what they have going for them in life and that will give you more enjoyment than anything. Sub humans acting like this at 30years +.

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This NE is on something… like for real. LOL

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el oh el
yall need help not snark

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Comparing yourself to others to feel good, sounds like you need to see a cleric for some healing

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paladins cant even heal anymore. Can’t call them clerics lmao.

It almost make me feel like your shaman was killed by a paladin so you came to the forum for comfort


They’re delusional and live in some weird world where they’re obsessed with shamans in world of warcraft.

They even named their druid after shaman’s totems. It’s really sad. I truly feel pity for them.


Ok 6000 posts. Jesus

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See, I can repeat myself in multiple threads too.

Just gonna drop this here.

6,000 posts is not 5659.

You should really rethink yourself before trying question someone else’s IQ.

As I already said too … you’re delusional and have some weird obsession with shamans.

Seek help.