Remove or Restrict "Bioluminescent" From The Game

Somehow I missed the post. Downside to posting on my phone, it’s easyto scroll past a post. Lol. I’ll post the images for ya.

I reuploaded some to discord so they could be linked. Two just won’t load as images, even one of my discord uploads so :man_shrugging:


Because it’s not a simple lantern. Lanterns that emit light are cool. That Magefire staff that puts off light is cool. Personal Lightsources are cool. A fish that lights up an entire building and stacks to be straight up blinding for several minutes is not cool and is exclusively used to troll areas where lots of people gather (which disproportionately affects roleplayers).


I’m sorry? So you want them to never RP again or quit the game? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Reread what you said and explain it then. Because it makes no sense given the conversation.

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Mountain climbing also isn’t meant to be accessible to everyone.

A better analogy would be “you don’t see people making sure there’s a ramp to enter buildings”

Oh wait. Yes you do. Because accessibility is important.

Would you tell someone who has seizures from strobe lights to just not play the game if blizzard added a strobe effect? I would hope not. I would hope you’d ask blizzard to remove it or make it a toggle that’s defaulted to off.


I did neither. I specifically quoted you.

They aren’t putting their life at risk. Trolls are doing this to others. They aren’t doing this to themselves. Thus, why they’re suggesting that something be done for people to not troll others.

I don’t have vision issues and it’s obnoxious and annoying to have these people come into RP areas just to throw tons of these things down and end up looking like this:

That’s not the fault of the player who isn’t using it.

This is a terrible analogy.

This. :point_up:


With the same logic I doubt you ever drive in the morning or in the evening when the sun is low and shines behind trees also creates massive strobe effects.

There’s a nifty invention called sunglasses and windshield tinting that the industry made for accessibility.

Those don’t work for a video game.

EDIT: Not to mention the literal sunblinds they added in cars lol


What do you think asking, not demanding, blizzard make the game more accessible is?

You are very bad at analogies. You use a lot of false equivalences. (I have tried typing the right word like 10 times on my phone, I give up lol. You know what it’s meant to be)

Do you tell pregnant women to avoid taking public transportation and stay home because they might have to stand the entire time? No, because most people understand making small sacrifices to help others isn’t a bad thing.


Honestly with the amount of arbitrary restrictions placed on literally hundreds of toys, I’m quite surprised this one has managed to slip through the nerfing net.

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Add a new toy (that can be purchased for like one silver, even in the starting area) that replicates the Neural Silencer and apply that to basically all visual/audio toys, lasts for 24 hours, and has a 10 second cooldown.

Then all players have the ability to turn off other players toy effects at any time, without restriction, and also allows players who don’t mind those toys (or who enjoy those toys) to still have that.

I’d prefer opting in/out to be favorable to restricting the items themselves.


I have one question for Stelio and anyone else against this:

What are you using this item for, THIS ITEM IN PARTICULAR, where if blizzard made the light only visible to the person who used it would negatively impact you?

EDIT: This is a genuine question, by the way. I can’t think of a time where it would need to be seen by others. There’s literally no downside to making it only visible to you. They’ve done this in the past with effects like the Tol Barad searchlight or the personal spotlight.


So as I said, you want them to never RP, leave their RP or not play.

Irrelevant. People shouldn’t be trolling others like that— disability or not. And adding more accessibility options helps others and doesn’t affect you.

They can’t control others doing this.

This is another horrible analogy.

So I was right in the first place.


I think the issue with that is they didn’t make all toys equal. Some are buffs or debuffs. Others change the actual environment. I don’t know how they’d code that.

It’s a good idea, I’m just not sure if it’s possible to implement.

This is when the nature of survival of the fittest comes into play.

No it is not cruel. If nature intends you not to do something but you continue doing it then it is your fault and not someone else’s fault.

Light turns green but you do not go because you are color blind… yes I have seen this often and sat behind them blowing the horn for over 1 minute.

… no it isn’t. :woman_facepalming:t4:

We’re talking about other people purposely trolling others. And even without a disability, this toy is griefing.

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Because they aren’t hurting themselves. Others are griefing them.



Mommy now I do not feel good.

this is the first i’ve ever heard of this


It absolutely is.

You don’t even know what you’re talking about.

This is an issue on RP servers, where people will specifically target groups of RPers roleplaying and continually toss fish to create this effect. RPers are forced to leave and find elsewhere and it can happen again in their new RP spot, ruining the game for them.

That’s absolutely griefing.


They cannot control others griefing them. Are you even listening?

It was changed very quickly. As was the Artifact weapon empowerment screen for the same reason.

You’ve got a very twisted view of what’s going on here.