Remove Mythic Raiding Gear

Is it Sunday?

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TBH it seems like based off these thread, removing PVP would just be the best solution.


You can never make the PvP’ers happy. In Legion gear didn’t matter at all in PvP and they complained that it wasn’t fun. Now gear matters and they are still complaining that it isn’t fun.

If mythic raiders were as mistreated as PvPers were you wouldn’t be happy either.


If we remove mythic raid gear then we should remove lfr gear cause you know people are their to see the story.


They can if they want, I don’t care for LFR.

“Mistreated” haha. Come on. They listened to you guys in Legion and it turned out you guys didn’t want what you asked for. Not their fault.

That’s a no for me neighborino.

PvP’ers wanted a PvP vendor again, didnt get that

They wanted the gear thats best for PvP to come from PvP, didn’t get that

So what did they get that they asked for?


A whole lot of nothing and a slap in the face.

PvP Vendor being brought back without PvP stats is pointless.

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I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, they need to bring back resilience and pvp power, separate pvp and pve gear so you don’t have to do one form of content for the best gear to do the other.


Sure, remove mythic gear and then also remove LFR.

You all wanted skill to be worth more than gear in PvP, which is what templates did in Legion. Then you all didn’t like it. Also vendors are coming back in SL

Nah they can keep LFR, just remove gear from it and let people do it for story since it’s supposed to be why they care for.

Without stats.

I think maybe you’d be happier playing a game made for PvP, like League or Dota.

I’m sorry for giving you the impression that this was a negotiation.

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Maybe we should remove pvp?

Sounds like a you problem. If everyone can join a BG ins terrible gear, so can people join a raid and witness it.