Remove mythic raid Id lockout

I would make your own thread on this subject since there aren’t any recently active ones to my knowledge. Better than bumping longtime inactive ones.

They did

They just want more attention cause no one responded to it

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Because they’re not heroics, they’re mythic giving much better gear.
A game’s structure needs rewards, risks and failure. You can’t always win. If you can just keep farming the same bosses day after day you’d probably be the first one to complain about gear discrepancy with the better raiding guilds.

You’re really gonna be frustrated when you get flagged for spamming

I’m getting tired of all the zoomers trying to burn down all competence barriers and wondering why the game is dying

I do want more attention, because I just find it completely absurd that the mythic lockout system even exists. It serves no purpose other than to make the end game content harder for people who don’t want to treat a GAME like a JOB.

That’s an issue, not an ish me, if you can’t invest the time in the game you don’t deserve the rewards, simple as that, it’s an MMO.

Ah, I see.
Necros are still a no-no regardless.

Mythic+ 15s gear is your alternative

Either find the guild that fits your needs or stay at heroic

If you can’t dedicate time with 19 other guildies, then you don’t deserve mythic gear

like, reportable? When i did that, there was a warning that asked if I was sure I wanted to revive the topic, but no warning about this being against the rules of the forums.

I mean it’s a general rule since the dawn of BBS that necroing is bad.

That was your warning

Thanks for admitting it you’ll learn when you come back months from now

Now, no need to be that way. They’re not getting banned over that. It’s just bad practice.

It’s not about that. It’s about the fact that I don’t want to be beholden to a game like it’s a job. AND it’s not about the gear either, it’s about the personal sense of accomplishment.

I can dedicate the time with 19 other people. That’s not the problem. The problem is, I don’t want to be in trouble if i don’t have flasks. i don’t want to lose my raid spot while someone else is trying out. I dont’ want to deal with guild politics.

If I get kicked out of a pug because I’m not good enough, so be it, I’ll get stronger and better and try again.

You can be banned for mass spamming Necro threads, 1-2 is fine but bringing up 15+ threads is a no no

I’m not sure if you’ll get reported, but definitely bad etiquette.

You just contradicted yourself

Except we all have the same limitations. If you see it as a chore there’s probably a plethora of things you could do more efficiently. MMOs are a hobby, you need to invest time, it’s how the game goes.
Removing lockouts and essentially making the game easier would be very annoying for a large amount of people.

Sounds more like mythic guild are trying to find away to get gear faster than other difficulties. :thinking:
Why does this remind me of the outrage for “casuals demanding handouts” rants. :rofl:

Definitely the argument folks given for wq/dungeon gear to be more available.
Talk about turning the tables mythic raiders cry for gear where was this last week lol.

no I didn’t… I can dedicate time with 19 other poeple… I just don’t want to deal with guild politics or be in trouble for failing to have flasks, meaning, I want to dedicate my time with 19 other people i may or may never play with again… Where is the contradiction? 'Dedicating time with 19 other people" is not the same as treating the game like a job.