Oh. I’ve never seen that happen, but removing the ability doesn’t seem like a good option. MC is a class-defining ability and always been a lot of fun. And, if they remove MC, priests will have virtually no CC.
They’ll have to figure out how to fix that bug, ya.
We can also remove Cyclone yes, please!
Cyclone doesn’t cause people to disconnect from the game. You are clearly not grasping what I am getting at.
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Like I already said, yes, they need to fix the technical issue. The ability itself is fine and doesn’t warrant removal. That’s silly. If they were to remove MC, which will never happen, they will then have to also remove other CC abilities such as Cyclone.
(2016-06-27): We have recently become aware of an exploit involving the Priest’s Dominate Mind talent which has been causing disruption in rated PvP. We’re currently working to fix that exploit, but while those investigations take place, we’ve temporarily disabled Dominate Mind in instanced PvP. Once the issue has been corrected, we will re-enable it.
lol no. they disabled it because of an exploit used by a guy named mongery that let him kill himself in arena and by using mind control, “himself” became the enemy
basically he’d mc and one shot a target, but if you interrupted fast enough, he could one shot himself. good times!
Yeah, I recall. It was just an interesting example of them disabling a single problematic ability.
i agree and replace it with mana burn
I had to come back and let you know that we won a match tonight thanks to this MC bug. It was unexpected, but as soon as I MC’d the monk onto a wall, he D/C’d. Ouch! I hope they fix it.
ive casted mc idk 1000x this season and havent dc’d anyone
unlucky me ig
sorry was in another thread where an hpal wearing last season glad tabard said hpal mana is good in 2s and a negative is getting ur vanq hammer stacks purged
this game is so bad
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It is extremely rare. I’ve played multiple Priests for 2 seasons now, Ive done it and had it done to me or a team mate maybe a dozen times out of what? 1,000+ games? Maybe more games than that.
There’s also a chance for the Priest to get DC’d by his own Mind Control too.
I have had this happen to me more times than the enemy getting dc’d.
It’s a game of dc roulette