Remove layering for the sake of WoW

It’s funny when I can completely foresee someone changing the subject, and then it happens exactly as I knew it would. Man, I’ve been posting on the internet for far too long. :wink: And my old modding days have made me hyper sensitive to this behavior.

I dont blame you for being passionate for a game you love but you’re off your rocker if you think this thing is gonna maintain anything more than maybe 1-1.5 million tops. For a year anyway and thats probably being generous.


You mean like how the pro-layering crowd are 100% certain that ABSOLUTELY NO ONE will be able to play at launch without layering? How server crashes are GUARANTEED to occur without layering? How the LONG-TERM HEALTH OF CLASSIC will suffer without layering?

That kind of scare-mongering?



Nope. The scaremongering that 3 weeks of layering will make every player an anti-social drone. The scaremongering that layering won’t be removed and we’ll forever be unable to see the zone. The scaremongering that one player will layer hope 15 times a minute and maintain a monopoly on Black Lotus and Devilsaurs.

That kind of scare-mongering.


Please explain these powers of foresight to us further. I’m intrigued to know the reasoning behind your certainty of this claim.


Its the difference between being a realist and being someone whos bias makes them overestimate things.

So, you’ll shut down the scare-mongering you DON’T subscribe to. Other forms you agree with. Gotcha.


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No, because what you described isn’t scare mongering, except in the way you presented it as hyperbole.

Also, no crashes with or without layering.

Except, that’s what the pro-layering crowd has been preaching…back when it was pro-sharding.


No, it really isn’t.

Layering is a necessary evil since no-one has come up with a better solution to solve Blizzard’s conflicting launch goals of reasonable queues, and long term server populations.

Any other solution presented so far (except maybe locked layers, but that’s still layering), intentionally breaks one goal to satisfy the other.

And layering > sharding the starters because of the lack of disappearing people, which is what all the anti-sharders had as one of their pillars of complaint.

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This is still happening with layering in beta.


and they said its a bug and people should report it when it does.

Yes, it is. It has been as follows since the forum opened:

Sharding/layering or impossibly long queues
Sharding/layering or constant server crashes
Sharding/layering or the health of the game is compromised



I’m adding this new and original post to this new and original thread :roll_eyes:

You know, the Unarmored mounts groups, the RP groups (RP PVP specifically), the gbanks group, and most of the other reasonable discussion topics about Classic can keep their discussions generally in 1 or 2 threads. Why in the world do we HAVE to have a new layering thread every 5 minutes. Can you people PLEASE make a megathread about this and STOP blowing the forums up with nothing but layering topics so that those of us who casually view the forums when they have a break at work can have an ACTUAL new and original topic to look at/discuss?

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Wouldn’t have to worry about layering bugs if layering didn’t exist. You know? Like in Vanilla.



Sure, but remove the constant server crashes. That’s just uninformed people.

And again, there has been no solution beside layering/sharding provided, that satistifies both reasonable queues, and high long term population. If you have one, I’m all ears…

If your solution is “Queues are fine”, you fail one goal. If your solution is “Add more servers”, you fail the other goal.

So, please, tell us your solution?

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You mean scare-mongering?


Alyorbase, it’s driving my nuts as well.

Every single time I see another thread pop up, I let out a huge sigh and roll my eyes. Unfortunately I’m adding to the problem by replying with my frustration.

I hope some kind of forum admin deletes all these threads a little faster, and leaves one mega thread pinned.

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No, people who actually thought that the servers hadn’t advanced in 15 years. i.e. Uninformed. They have been informed.

That one’s simple. Once enough people have pointed out the flaws in the argument, they need a fresh post so they can raise the argument without people just re-quoting the flaws.

The GBank group is a little less nuanced, because they happily repeat the same argument and get quoted back the same response, and then ignore it for a week and post the same argument again.