Remove Infectious Whirl

You consistently feel the need to attempt to insult people and be toxic in every single post you create. Check yourself, sir and/or madam.

thought this was pretty fun/funny until i came back from idling in the ohnaran plains and was mildly confused last night

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One would think that players on a RP server would be more conscious of this.
Perhaps they are RPing?
Playing an annoying character out to annoy all of Azeroth?

One thing I DO like about it: It quickly reveals the people with anger-management problems.

I was watching some people have serious melt-downs over it last night. Like full on toddler-from-hell type tantrums. And I’m not even talking about disrupting battlegrounds
just people hanging by the fountain losing their ever loving minds.

Blows me away how many absolutely fragile people are out there.

Does anyone have a video of this? I have yet to see it in-game.

I’m sorry you think the best way to respond to trolling is to cater to them. Some of us feel differently. As to the point about firing the employee responsible, granted that may be an emotional overreaction. Then again, if they didn’t know how this would be used, they’re incompetent. If they did know and put it in the game anyway, they’re enabling the trolls for the lolz. Either way
do they really deserve to maintain their position?

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I direct you to my response to Rejel.

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It’s an exploit, my dude. It needs to be fixed, but noone needs to lose their jobs over it, holy crap.


This cynic and me believes they do this on purpose. It happens every time they have something like this in the game. I mean every time.

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Maybe not illegal, but certainly wrong from a moral perspective. There’s even a word for it: in German it’s schadenfreude. The closest English equivalent is “epicaricacy.” If someone trips in front of you and falls, and you stop and laugh, you’re likely to be regarded as an awful person by anyone nearby. Just because bad behavior on the internet puts two screens between you and the target of your amusement, doesn’t make the behavior any less wrong.


Blizz, Hire a QA tester. Run everything by them and ask the single question, “Can Someone troll an entire group of people and/or prevent them from doing things in the game.” If there is even a slight hesitation, DO NOT ADD IT TO THE GAME. I refuse to log in til this is hotfixed, anything that causes loss of control should NOT be in the game ever. Also please fire the person who created this (de)buff.


QA Tester : Oh yea, totally, I did the testing thing.

Does anyone have footage?

This sounds absolutely hilarious terrible

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My server must be beyond dead. I haven’t seen it at all. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

I know. I picked up on that from reading this thread.

And if or when, the exploit causes a player to go into epileptic shock, from all the flashing lights, what will you do? laugh about it?

Just think about this, what happens if a lot of the players go into epileptic shock and then when the family discover Blizzard let it happen, can you see the lawsuits? can you see WOW shutting down because of the legal bills. And don’t think lawyers wouldn’t go after Blizzard, they would see a big payday.

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Hehe, I like your name. I now imagine when you speak, you sound like a salty old Italian man.

I found an exploit that kills your character even in safe zones. Oh, it’s not my fault if I use it to kill you repeatedly so you can’t play the game, Blizzard put it in the game and it’s just me having fun at your expense.

Behold how that kind of logic doesn’t make sense when it is, by definition, trolling, especially when there is an existing precedent for abusing exploits for personal gain or amusement.


Yeah I’m trying to decide if this person is trolling or being serious. It’s hard to tell. I can’t believe someone would suggest they lose their job over this. Kinda sad.

I should think it obvious I find trolling repugnant. Perhaps the subtlety of my point was lost on you. Though normally I try to avoid making appeals to authority, if you’ve read this entire thread, you’ll find I am hardly alone in that sentiment.