Remove Honor Transfer Tax and allow conquest transfer

With removal of conquest cap each season honor transfer should be tax free additional to allowing conquest transfer at no cost.

Do away with middleman rng boxes. No one likes slogging to gear alts this late in season. Nor do you want the green ranger reroll on your team in shuffle or blitz :sweat_smile:.

Additionally look into implementing a way when a piece is unlocked via conquest the same can be purchased from vendor for honor. IE you bought haste/vers chest but need vers mastery for off spec.

To also not step on the toes of healing in shuffle and their reward for this, please adjust the medal healers recieve to 500 conquest each when it becomes uncapped. This would reward healers with the ability to rapidly gear characters much faster then normal methods.

Thanks in advance for consideration on these much needed QOL changes.


You have to make a twatter for blizzard to consider any game changes.

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Something has to drive participation

F. Iโ€™m out of luck, then. I havenโ€™t had a twitter since the incident.