Remove duo queue from Rated BG Blitz

-There are plenty of PVP game modes for players that wish to queue together.
-It is unfair and against the spirit of the game mode to have two players coordinating in voice chat.
-This particuarly gives advantage on CTF maps where a dps and a healer will coordinate extremely strong flag running.
-Many of the top players in the bracket are duo-queueing. This should be enough alone to warrant removing the option as it clearly gives a rating advantage.


Well friend, we have been complaining about this nonsense for 4 weeks and Blizzard still hasn’t found out about the situation, I would lose hope.


I AGREE OP 1,000%!!!

Something to do with the duo queue with an addon is how they are creating Blitz Premade matches farming people for rating.

And all those exploiting, STOP, might be too late though, Blizzard take their time building a list before sending out a massive Ban Wave with the dreaded emails from Blizz.

Oh no, people are recording their games, and sending to Blizz hacks dept… Dont lose hope, we all seen this in the past, right now Blizzard is making that biiiiiig list. Gonna be a big Ban Wave this season. You need to stock up on salty popcorn, gonna be one HELLOFA show too when it goes down haha.

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If enough people keep complaining it will be removed, but people need to be vocal.

No it won’t, the same handful have complained for 2 seasons already and it’s clearly going to stay, because it is very popular.

PvP healers deserve a perk, 1000%

and, no. I don’t heal, not since BC

and I only solo Q, my schedule is too out of synch with NA for my friends to play with me.

Your duo queue was yummy.

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