Remove Deserter Debuff for Vote Kicked Healers/Tanks

Blizz - please consider removing the dungeon deserter debuff for healers and tanks that get kicked from dungeons.

I’m leveling my Preservation Evoker and had a lowbie paladin and mage run into add packs before the tank and get 1 shot a few times. On the third time, they vote kicked me. No healer in the game can heal a 1 shot and this is why I am specifically asking for healers and tanks. I couldn’t prevent their deaths and the tank couldn’t collect the aggro fast enough. It’s frustrating for me and really highlights how rough dungeon finder can be for healers.

when there wasn’t a debuff for tanks, they took groups hostage. It’s why the debuff was added. it was only 15 minutes, so they had to double it actually.

I feel like deserter debuff should be adjusted to times per hour kicked, first kick is 1 min. Second is 5 min. Third is 15 min. Etc. up to 1 hr after 5 kicks.

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I can get behind a 1 min debuff. But 30 mins for being kicked because others were dumb is not fair.

you get kicked multiple times in one hour?

I don’t really do dungeons on retail unless I’m bored and I outgear them, so personally >I< do not get kicked. If you’re going to be a tank holding a group hostage, yes I would imagine you’d get kicked multiple times an hour. However considering it’s already a 30 min debuff it would be extremely unlikely to get kicked twice in one hour at the moment.

I say they make the debuff 15 minutes and be done with it. 1/2 hour just makes people log off and not play for the rest of the day for something that doesnt NEED a reason and most of the time its used for trolling anyway.