Remove BWL Flex size or change it

Blackwing Lair and Zul’Gurub

In Season of Discovery, Blackwing Lair is a 20-40 player raid dungeon and Zul’gurub is a 10-20 player raid dungeon. Blackwing Lair is tuned for 20 players but will allow up to 40 players inside the dungeon, and Zul’Gurub is tuned for 10 players but will allow up to 20 inside. The difficulty will not scale or change, and the number of loot drops does not increase or decrease based on the number of participants in the raid.

Nobody cares about Zul’Gurub, in the end of the day is an catch-up raid and enchant farming for mains, repeatable, and nobody cares about it progress.

But BWL? Are you seriously in the point of ‘‘Flex until 40 without difficulty increase’’? Are you allow to do so on Retail for mythic diff? I didnt see that, ever.

Reconsider right now that and just allow it to flex content like onyxia, world bosses or ZG but do not broke the one single ‘‘progress raid’’ with that guffy design.


You mean Heroic difficulty right? Which when they split things down from LFR, Normal, Heroic, Mythic - Heroic is the “normal” difficulty from expansions past.

And the answer is yes, they allow it on retail.

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I dont think its a big deal to allow flex content for it. Anyone taking 40 people are seriously screwing themselves over, and will most likely not have their parses or clear spot counted. WCL intentionally nuked any logs with more than 20 players back when people were running MC with 40 lol so not only would they not count towards server rankings, but theyre not getting increased loot. If people want 40 to fight over two pieces, then thats their choice.


Do not change my speech when i said ‘‘Mythic difficulty’’ Which is the most and common dificulty that has value to the actual tier. I dont give a heck about LFR, Normal or Heroic, just imagine.

If you care about progress, keeping 20 players will allow the team to gear faster. You will progress faster.


If others want to bring 40 they can bring 40, if you want to bring 20 then bring 20. Let others have their fun you can still progress at your own rate.


I wish players with this mindset would go play retail already instead of trying to make classic any bit challenging. A lot of us like classic because of how easy it is, and slight difficulty increases or bringing more people isn’t the end of the world.

So our guild is a 20 man guild with a bench. Having the flex is nice so everyone gets to raid every week instead of people having to sit. I think it’s a good idea. Like they mentioned above less people means more loot going around per person. You add people there is less gear. So guilds that are progression driven can still do their 20 man and keep it the way it is. This increase of cap gives guilds that have a small bench and not enough to form another group to have everyone raid every week. That’s pretty much all there is on that front.

On another front, I’d like to point to would be world’s firsts and speed clearing meta. Since there is no scaling beyond 20 how would that look on logs. They’d have to set rules or categories for different sizes. I think that would be the only downside to it, but in the end that’d be decided by warcraftlogs.

No, keep it Flex.


Right? When they fixed the MC bug to force the 20 player limit everyone lost their minds and demanded it be put back in so people could flex MC. Now likely some of those same people DON’T want BWL flexed…

Make it Make sense.

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This is supposed to be a fun seasonal version of classic, and trying new things that have never been done in a classic environment.

Let them cook.

Flex raiding is awesome because it allows a 20 man core team to have extra people who fill gaps to not miss out when everyone else is there.

It also allows guilds to recruit even more people without having to worry about raid slots.

There is literally no downside to this except for the “BUT MAH PARSES” crowd who won’t have parses because of the flex environment.

Keep it. Let them cook.


In case it isn’t clear, no one likes your idea here or on the main forums. Thanks.

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Objection, relevance? BWL is neither retail nor mythic. Classic raids aren’t meant to be difficult. They’re social.

No, leave it in. The flex 20-40 is PERFECT. It’s what most of my guild was hoping for.

Also, ZG being 10-man is actually fine too.

Keep this change Blizz. PLEASE.

I hate benching 1-2 people, love the change. Keep it.

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