REMOVE "Brawl: Southshore vs Tarren Mill"

Until Blizzard can manage the Lag of 50+ Hunter & Warlock Pets, 30 Starfall’s being casted at the same time Please remove of this Atrocious BG from the weekly brawl, Korrak’s revenge was by far better in terms of lag and unplayable framerate.

Why add a unplayable BG (Brawl: Southshore vs Tarren Mill), and remove a working and Functional BG (Strand of the Ancients)?

*Only Blizzard Knows…


What boggles the mind is how in 2020 this stuff runs worse then in 2006 and ummm, well it seems like it’s business as usual.

Well I guess the subscriptions are still there so that’s what matters :slight_smile:

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It ends tomorrow. And Strand was removed because it was not liked by so many people.

I wish they would just return south shore and hillsbrad to the alliance. Seeing as we destroyed the main horde hub in that area.

haha, no… really?

It’s on a 4 Week Cycle so it’s not over until it’s over.

*Did you fail High School Debate?

Relax dragonslayer PvE’er, it goes away tomorrow.

Imagine complaining about something that ends in 1 day :rofl:


Ends tomorrow and not back until sometime in November. Check the calendar if you don’t believe me.

I agree the brawl is monkey poo but it’s not a regular BG , it’s only a brawl which comes around once in many months .

If it was part of the regular BG rotation , I would be joining you in asking for it to be removed , but a brawl eh. If Blizz is happy putting out a bad product , so be it .

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I think you got it backwards.
People Play Classic to to PvE, People play Retail to PvP, Until TBC when and If that ever is announced.

It’s Instanced… It is a BG.

He means not in the BG rotation. You won’t see it again for 4 months, if even then since I’m guessing prepatch or the new expansion will be out by then.

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It’s almost like you’re on 3 different characters posting at once, the guy didn’t even respond and you are answering for him like the parrot you’re.

Probably because you’re not understanding what he’s saying.


You start off by saying it’s not in the BG rotation, and then follow the next statement with it is.

My understanding is fine, can I get the name of your dealer?
I would like some of the good Moon Sugar that you’re smoking.

It’s a brawl… not in the BG rotation


you just said it was, 4 lines above

*Not in the random BG or epic BG rotation

Didn’t think I had to specify


If we have Warsong Gulch Brawl next week & Southshore vs Tarren Mill in November.

Meaning it’s not in the regular BGs you queue every day. Less than a day and it’s gone

You’ve stated this 3 times in one post.

I know. I’m telling you it’s basically already being removed tomorrow.