Remove +25 Defense: It works in WPVP and duels; ADD TRINKETS

Adding +25 defense to every character is…shortsighted. For the above mentioned reason.

Also, add trinkets to the PTR, how the hell are we supposed to test PvP without PvP trinkets?


There’s nothing wrong with having defense work on the rings for world PVP and duels. That’s not where PVP is focused anyway.

They actively discourage pvp in SoD and the ptr is no different unfortunately

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Effectively makes the PvP hit cap 6% for all melee

I agree it’s lame. Weapon skill doesn’t work like that in PvP, only defense does.

As if physical classes needed pvp to be even more unfriendly to them. Add in 100 all res rings.

Lmao fight my dire bear


Wrong forum.

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defense works in bgs lol. It works so much that during phase 6 of 2019 classic, ret paladins were noticing terrible proc rates on their Seal of command procs. Turned out that warriors stacking their t3 gear in pvp had enough defense to add 1-2% more miss. At the tail end of that version of classic, the standard pvp hit percentage changed from usually 5% hit to 6-7% hit depending how much defense your target stacked. Something like 326 defense = 1% extra miss in all forms of pvp combat, and this currently stands on era as well. Your race’s weapon skill should work as well, but due to the same level formula, its only giving like 0.3-0.5% hit, so you won’t notice it as much.

SoD is likely using the forked era as a base, so you can expect defense to be an annoying stat moving forward.

defense always worked in pvp but its pretty minor

it’s not minor if you can get access to 26+ of it. And with this ring rune, sounds like alot of classes in melee range are going to force everyone to grab 1% extra hit.

Defense doesnt reduce PvP crit chance. It increases global block dodge parry and miss% though.

This discussion was had during the original TBC. Its why PvProt Warrior didnt work with tank gear then.

Should probably have it disabled in BGs if it isn’t already.

(As much fun for me as it would be to be elemental with 25 Defense on top of WoE for making Rogues cry…it could be just a bit TOO tanky.)

I’m less concerned about open world… if we were balancing around open world chance encounters then Rogues and Warlocks would’ve been **** all over, long ago.

you can’t turn it off in pvp, dodge/parry/miss are baked into it lol.

They could probably disable the rune in BGs.

I agree they should. I have no problems if a player wants to add defense gear, since that comes with a tradeoff.

Or they add other ring rune options that make you have to decide.