Removal of Any Means Necessary is rough

Maybe, maybe not. Being on a target enough to spam chaos strike is not generally a luxury we have in PVP.

Go out of combat for too long or die, and bye bye 20 sec eye beam, that is if you were able to get it to that level anyway.

What a joke, maybe maybe not? Please just think.


How long before a reset out of combat? How much is your eyebeam cd usually reduced in pvp from chaos strike?

Maybe its better, maybe not.

It’s rough but it’s also being naive thinking that massive retuning isn’t going to follow this change.

AMN is just damage, it doesn’t affect gameplay one bit. Worry about tuning later.

New talent: chaos strike no reduce cd meta anymore You really read new talents?

The question for me is if we really need it?

ANM was a patch to a two-sided problem, on one hand we have too many damage types, on the other our Mastery is garbage considering the above.

Changing the Mastery or reducing damage types fixes the problem.

A quick way to patch this would be to replace all of the DH’s Fire damage with Chaos damage. Another would be that our Mastery more closely resembles that of the Enhancemente Shaman and affects multiple elements, in this case Chaos, Fire and Shadow.

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Tuning can be fixed. This node shouldn’t even be in our talent tree to begin with, there’s no reason we should HAVE to take a talent for our mastery to be good. As long as they tune things correctly, this is a very welcome change. Now they need to do that with more talents. This is a great thing imo.

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This isn’t the first set of tuning / rework for DH for 11.1 so stop doom posting.

Even the dev who handles DH has stated as such.

I am aware. I already posted it in this thread:

And doom post? really?

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When someone crates talents such as the new cycle of hatred I’m completely in my rights to be worried about the competency of whoever is behind it.

Such obviously badly designed talents should not happen and it doesn’t take a genius to see why it’s a problem.

It’s not the first time either.

If someone was a chef and during a meeting to create a new type of sandwich they said: but what if we added literal cow dung to it! I wouldn’t be like stop doomposting guys maybe he’s cooking something here, I would be like: are you insane?

Cycle sounds absolutely omega-level toxic in M+ unless the buff takes like 30 seconds to degrade

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that’s an incredibly dumb take.

thats foolish too.

That someone typing in all caps doesn’t convince me?