Bringing this back for the topic: The Kingdom of Alterac
TLDR: I still think it makes most logistical sense to rebuild Alterac as this mix of Frostwolf and Forsaken under the leadership of Drek’thar (or Thrall/his stand in when Drek kicks the bucket) and old Aiden Peranolde, now a Forsaken Deathknight using the old Baron Paranolde from WC3. Just can’t see any major Alliance force being able to retain a presence there. Small camps, but not a standing town or fort.
The survivors, I’ve thought about that a lot too. Alterac is of course the 2nd smallest kingdom by size, and possible the smallest by population give its territory. So I wouldnt be surprised if we just don’t see alot of them, but similar to the folks before they scattered into various groups.
One of the champions of the Scarlet Crusade was from Alterac, so that could be one route for some. Others to Ravenholt. Others to the Syndicate. Perhaps some Forsaken-fied. Then the rest refugees to Stromgarde and Stormwind.