Remix Rep Boost

I’m basically done with everything in Remix. I just have a couple more SoO’s to do for bones for the last few heirlooms, need to run mythic SoO for the title, and then there’s three reps. And it’s those three reps the really need a boost.

How is it possible that most of the reps (Cloud Serpents, Golden Lotus, Dominance Offensive, Klaxxi) give 2000 a turn in and take maybe a few days total. (Emperor Shaohao took a total of six hours across two days). And then we have Sunreavers, Shado-Pan Assault, and August Celestials only give 200? Everything else in Remix is lightning fast, but those three are next to impossible without an old school daily rep grind? They need to get hotfixed to be equal with the others or something at this point, imo.

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This 100%. Trying to do Anglers and August Celestials and I went ahead and bought timewalking coins on this regular character so that I could finish it off once my remix character gets transferred at the end because there’s no way to get those completed.

I mean, I guess it’s fine but appears to be an oversight or arbitrary decision to players since there was no communication about it. And, if I had any idea that they would grant such low rep, I would’ve started it sooner.

You should be able to do Shado-Pan Assault in a few days at most via Throne of Thunder LFR. Each boss kill (daily) gives rep.

August Celestials was annoying, but killing the Warscouts and Warbringers should significantly speed it up.

Sunreavers was by far the slowest (other than Anglers), and could definitely use a buff.

Also, there’s no reason to do Anglers in Remix if you don’t want to. There’s no Remix FOS for it.