Remix Must Have Toys?

I subscribe to farm toys never! So time saved!

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Hmmm interesting. I never paid much attention to the heirlooms since as an Ally player I wasn’t too interested in them for the mogs, and I have what I need on retail. I also have a character of every class at max level so I kinda wonder if I really need it. I completely glossed over the prismatic sockets though, they’re so shiny :smiley:

Very handy for enchanting also - mage tower fury warrior challenge was completely carried by double crusader - you can send them across your account too so having a gemmed and enchanted loom means you just send it around instead of creating new versions.

I play alot of alts, main reason i wanted them.

I was only missing 3 toys - Warning Sign, Gastropod, and Pandaren Firework Launcher.

I got the firework launcher in retail, because I’m dragging several toons over to kill the Sha of Anger daily, so I would constantly check for Ahone. After about 10 kills, the toy dropped.

Gastropod - also in retail, dropped off the 2nd snail I killed on my first “daily” run over to Ji-Kun.

Warning Sign - the only toy I bought from the remix vendor, since it’s another very annoying farm (low RNG drop on a low spawn rare).

I’m not swimming in bronze so I’m saving it for mounts, and the more mounts I can get to drop in retail (while the raids and world bosses are on a daily lockout), the sooner I can be done with remix. But so far the only mount I could get to “organically” drop was the Clutch of Ji-Kun. I even got the Tusks in retail on the 4th Garrosh kill, but no other mounts.

Ai-Li’s Skymirror. It has a million and one uses, including using it on yourself to preserve an appearance that won’t last in combat, through combat.

I once tanked a dungeon on my druid in rabbit form.

“Hey guys, I forget, which form is for tanking, cat, bear, or rabbit?”

Of course somebody said rabbit.

I did it.

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