Remix: Mists of Pandaria - Allow us to use existing characters

Hi Devs,

We don’t see Chromie time expanded to level 70, However this new event will reach current max level.

Allow us to use our existing alts that are level 10+ for this event…It seems like a fun way to level up a lot of alts that are left behind for some players, creating new ones is great but we already have TONs of alts that could benefit from this event.

We need more clarification regarding this event.



While not an issue for all, players on “FULL” servers already have to use alt-code characters to create unique names. Forced creation of new characters will only add to the issue.

No one knows the lore reason behind why we are making new characters yet. At least play the mode before feeding back.

It’s because of Eternus and the Infinite Flight.

Don’t know how they’ll make that make sense though.

Came here to share the same exact feedback. I think this event sounds like great fun and I plan to participate but what I do NOT need is more alts filling up my roster. There are a couple dozen characters I already have, previous mains or others left behind in my long WoW journey and I have invested time in naming, crafting, and getting them to a certain point.

The technology is within easy reach. Characters that are below a certain level, and untouched, have the “Gear Update” option. This flow can be used to reset gear, bags, save all old inventory, clear quest log, port to home city, etc. All that needs doing is create a secondary flow that allows the character to be cleaned up and transported over to the Remix event - make progress in the event with the converted alt(s) and then port back after the event.

This would make so much sense to those who have been around for so long and want an excuse to progress older alts. I don’t want even newer alts that now will leapfrog and out-progress ones I care more about. Without this type of change I see doing this Remix once, just to unlock all the goodies, but I would get much more involved if I could carry other characters of mine up through this.

I know… pre-patch is probably the intended way to accelerate alts and prep them for War Within, and this is more akin to revamped new leveling experience that could be used in other xpacs in the future… but I would still highly prefer shifting alts into this mode and not having to make a new “seasonal” type character for this.

Yes, please, and thank you.


I would love to bring my 50s into this content to bring them up to 70. I really have no use for more characters since I already have well over 50.

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So wait a moment … is this like … do you get to keep the characters you level afterwards? Or just the transmog?

I actually sort of like the idea of not keeping them characters … I don’t need another monk but in mists of pandaria I will be leveling one for sure …

There’s no lore reason

Blizzard wants to create content for both Retail and current Classic/SoD/FTP subs, while luring in new players. In both Plunderstorm and Remix they decided to do this by creating content that requires no prior time investment.

That’s why they decided to do fresh starts for everyone

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