Remix is better than Retail

Remix gives players back that feeling of being strong again. I’ve been spending so much time in Remix just because it FEELS like the game it used to. Having the gear, and in remix threads, to be overpowered in dungeons or open world content is what made WoW enjoyable to me. I’m now convinced Legion “world scaling” ruined retail and it’s just been crummy. For example not being able to solo most OLD RARES in Zaralek Caverns on most classes despite being 490+ on alts. Yes, Remix is on the high end of being overpowered, but there is a healthy middle that just hasn’t been a thing since WoD.

Bring back feeling powerful, get rid of scaling nonsense.


I’ve never played a single day in 20 years that retail felt like remix. As a matter of fact, Dragonflight is about the most powerful I have ever felt across every class during the leveling process. The only thing that even compares is how new characters felt in WotLK decked out in heirlooms. In that moment compared to how the game had ever been, you felt like a God.

Remix is chaos. It’s fun and an interesting break but it isn’t a return to how WoW ever was. As a matter of fact, beyond raid mechanics getting more complex, the game has consistently made you feel stronger and gotten easier over the course of it’s life.

Nah bro, level scaling broke this notion completely, and ilvl scaling was the extra rotten cherry on the top of the !@#$ cake.
Retail makes us weaker as we level, just like remix.

This is the main BIG thing to fix in the game as a whole ever since it was introduced IMO: make scaling optional. Followed by “make leveling linear again”.

It would solve SO MANY issues.


The closest thing remix feels to me is doing mog runs from the previous expac. Which I really enjoy doing since it still involves at least some mechanics and multiple people (try soloing mythic SoFO right now, you won’t get very far) and since it’s not current content, everyone is a lot more chill. So that’s a big part of the reason why I enjoyed remix.

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Remix reminds me of torghast. But like in a good way.

Is unfair comparing Mist of Chadndaria with Dragontails.

But you’re absolutely right…

Remix is only better than retail if you enjoy daily raiding.

Considering most people hate daily tasks in general and raiding is the least popular end-game content in retail, I feel like that’s a questionable combination for most players.

ilvl scaling should never be a thing and level scaling is hit or miss.

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