Remix: Ensembles - Broken

I have just tried to purchase and use dozens of these ensembles ranging from 1250-5,000 Bronze. I receive a red text message for all of them: “All appearances are already in your collection.”

It seems that if you have any of the shared appearances from these sets from retail, you cannot learn them and get credit for the rest of the collection. Myself and others collect sourceIDs as a means of enjoyment. As of this phase of Remix, I no longer need to farm about a million bronze because of it. While that’s not a concern in itself, it does reduce the value of the event for many.

Would you consider changing how the ensembles interact so we can learn all the sourceIDs as well?

I was hoping to learn a variety of extremely hard-to-farm items from Greater Cache of Treasures that are only farmable by taking Class Trials through two blue quests once per character and one epic loot quest once per character. These items are all part of the ensembles in Remix. However, that is not possible as of now.

After a conversation with one of the contributors for both the AllTheThings add-on and the DataforAzeroth website, Darkal, I’d like to share some of his thoughts. Paraphrasing and summarizing our conversation:

Many new Raid Ensembles in MoP: Remix contain new “Shirts” with unique looks, but they can’t be learned because it checks the learned TransmogSet ID. Due to this, they are unusable because I completed the TransmogSet ID already on retail in the past. Please let us use Ensembles regardless of whether we know the TransmogSet ID or not.

To elaborate more on what a TransmogSet ID is:

Every set has its own TransmogSet ID. Take this as an example: It’s an LFR Warlock Set from Tier 14 Raids. Its TransmogSet ID is 462. The TransmogSet contains 24 sourceIDs (shown as ItemModifiedAppearanceID on

I asked Darkal to provide a little more thought to help me explain this better.

He states that he isn’t 100% certain this is the cause or reason we cannot learn the ensembles on Remix. He provides an example why he thinks it’s the case:

  1. The Ensemble, when clicked, does this too: It learns the TransmogSet itself. This leads me to believe it’s the issue. I can’t tell the exact issue. That’s not possible without having access to the game’s source code.
  2. The item itself is not visible in the wardrobe until learned, so players won’t even see something missing. But even the in-game tooltip shows “You haven’t collected this appearance,” which is true, since it’s a unique look.

Since I already completed the set previously, I obviously have 8/8 pieces, and the game thinks I am done.

The TL;DR would be:

  1. Ensembles don’t care about any itemID or sourceID; they learn everything which is in the same group of the given TransmogSet ID.
  2. Ensembles are usable only when the TransmogSet ID is not completed yet.
  3. If you completed the TransmogSet ID already, the Ensemble won’t care if you still don’t have all unique appearances from it.