Remix Battle Pets?

There are only two battle pets in all of Remix? So many recolours of mounts, xmogs, new toys and only 2 pets?! Please add more blizz.


The pet collector representative of the union


yeah i was kind of surprised that they did not add any new ones, or at least give us the option of purchasing some of the more annoying to get old ones during this event.


100% Agree, some of us are saving our currency in hopes to get the same treatment those xmoggers, mount chasers, toy diddlers, etc!

Tusks of Mannoroth? Give us some pets that rare like Poley, Golden Pig, Jade Tiger, etc.


Totally agree. MoP was the introduction of the pet battling system and you would think that Blizz would throw in a few things to herald the introduction of a part of the game enjoyed by millions. (okay, I might be conflating the numbers there. I’m sure there’s at least a decent percentage of the WoW players who enjoy collecting battle pets)

WTB pet vendor PST.

Funny seeing you here friend :slight_smile:

Also yeah battle pets where?