Remix advertised- Get more and more powerful and level faster and faster as you progress

Remix delivered- Get weaker and weaker and level slower and slower as you progress.


I am enjoying it, but it’s certainly not what was advertised. I’m only enjoying it because I’ve always loved MoP. Remix was supposed to be this big, wild, crazy thing, but it’s barely different than just playing MoP normally.


Yeah the 60-70 stretch has certainly taken away the buzz. Even with the huge exp boost I’m up to the last few levels haven’t felt super fast like they were for a while. And the scaling has me feeling not at all powerful. Barely adequate a lot of the time. I did a run of normal shado-pan at like level 67 and was getting one shot by that breath attack from some of the sha.

At the same time though, terrace of endless spring lfr was an absolute cake walk.

I dunno. I’m not mad about it. Just a little disappointed. It’s still a quick, enjoyable way to level an alt. I’ll probably do at least one more. And it looks like all the cosmetics I want are available without any difficult group content. So that’s good.


atm my alt is like lvl 64. Still around 3ish quests per level.

seems pretty fast

PTR LFR gave a ton of EXP and your cloak scaled up to 300% EXP for alts
Live LFR isn’t worth doing and I hear the cloak caps out at 100% EXP for fresh alts.

Granted PTR isn’t a reflection of live. But it feels like PTR was better? And there was no communication.


The increased experience gain on the cloak does not decrease as you level up…

Seems pretty fast to me still and mine is almost 65 ATM.

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Unfortunately with level scaling working the way it does, it’s been the case for a really long time that characters feel weaker on leveling up despite the numbers getting bigger.

It’s kind of hard to get stronger from “I already 1 shot most things”.

Which is about the rate I noted as well in earlier levels. It seemed to slow at around 66/67 I think. My toon is 69 at the moment. I could just keep track of how many quests it takes for 70 actually.

It probably largely depends on how much you do with raiding, etc. I am 62 with +214% xp gain.

For real? What have I done wrong? My exp bonus is only 122%.

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That’s how it always goes: they make something fun, put it on PTR, people rave about how fun it is, then they turn it to crap when it goes live.


You can get like 12% per raid boss per day, above lfr difficulty. Or something like that.


Well damn. I guess that’s what I get for going into it blind. Not a huge deal at this point. I’ve just been chilling and having fun replaying all the zones anyway. I was actually completely oblivious to the fact that people were raiding and doing heroic dungeons and scenarios while at low levels. In my mind I was still just thinking of those things as end game. I’m planning at least one other alt anyway, so I’ll do better with them. Maybe I’ll even read a guide!

Hope it isn’t that much of a let down. People were super excited for this.

Sorry to those who are disappointed, hopefully they have some changes coming down the pipe that might raise it up closer to expectations.

They start at 25. Some of the tiers have a higher requirement. But the first tier is super easy. Which basically factors out to about an additional +80% xp gain, per day.


normal raids are literally facetank
if i can do it with no prior exp doing them then anyone can

I don’t know about you but I feel way stronger at 70 on my fury Warrior than I did at level 15

Someone in power at Blizzard told the devs to do this. I have no doubt who it was, too. Friggin particle.

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You have no idea what happened, who said what, or why anything is done unless Blizzard makes a statement on something.

We know that on the PTR, it was an actual Cloak of Infinite Potential. As someone else said, its now a bait and switch with a Cloak of Clearly Defined Potential.

Someone high up told them to not let us have Infinite Potential. And we all know who hates fun.