Remission is a PVE focused guild, raiding on a casual schedule. With a leadership team that has been raiding at top levels since Vanilla, we are committed to fostering a friendly, helpful, competitive and knowledgeable community that will produce results but on a casual schedule.
Remission is a cutting edge retail guild on Zuljin. We have a very active player base with players playing both classic and retail. We will never be a large classic guild but want to fill out the roster enough to focus on all 25man content and hardmodes down the road.
Phase 1 Progress: NAXX 25 15/15, Maly 25, OS25+1D
Raid Schedule:
25m: Wednesdays 9:00pm – 12:00am EST (Invites at 8:45pm EST)
10m: To be scheduled, based upon players availability
High Priority: Any shaman spec and any exceptional dps!
- Positive attitude – Able to accept/provide constructive criticism while avoiding guild drama
- Preparedness – Strong class knowledge, strategy research, food/pots/flasks
- Timeliness – Timely pulls will be essential to Raid success
- Social – Discord engagement and a sense of humor is appreciated
Final Word
The majority of Remission is composed of working adults with young families. This results in most activities currently taking place between 6:00pm – 12:00am EST.
You can add me on discord: Shaner#3095
I am potentially interested in joining.
I am returning to classic, didn’t play at all during BC. However, I was a hardcore raider back in original WotLK, so I understand and know my way around the expansion. Currently, I do M+ regularly on retail, having a tank io rating of 2200+ (warrior), as well a dps/healer alt (priest) around 1700 (still gearing that one).
I love your idea of a one night, or maybe two, a week. Hard to commit more than that as a working dad and husband. I am open to leveling any class/role. During original WotLK, I mained a spriest during naxx, a prot warrior in Ulduar and ToC, and then Fury warrior in ICC. All levels were cleared in their 25 man level when current.
I would love to talk more about your one night setup and class/spec possibilities sometime. Bnet is SuperDan #1814
EDIT: I noticed after posting I have an old screw-around alt as my character. You can ignore that. 
We still need some DPS and a healer!
Where my hunters and shamans at?
We are looking for a shaman!
I don’t play Retail much these days as my focus is Wrath Classic. My preference is to heal but have no issue getting dual spec and picking a DPS spec. Whatever the guild needs.
Who should I speak with?
you can reach out to me on discord! Shaner#3095
Hi I am very interested. Are you guys still recruiting?
Need some 80s to do heroics with us in prep for Naxx on thurs!
Looking for some healers!
I am interested. I play a Shadow Priest on Pagle and looking for a 25 man guild that raids 1 to 2 nights a week after 9 PM EST. battletag: Zappsz#1960 Discord: Zappsz
we are still recruiting ranged dps
In need of a shadowpriest and boomkin
Still searching for some exceptional ranged dps!
Hello! Do you got room for 2 pally heals, spriest, DK and a Mage :)? Group looking for a 25m raiding guild. Add me on discord if so! Boppity#6363
We are looking for shamans! All phase 1 content cleared.
Any ranged pumpers hit us up! Fast, efficient, one night clears of Phase 1 content!
I added you on discord. I’m interested - Resto Shammy.
Ranged gamers or shamans wya