I don’t think many people really think Blizzard is actively sabotaging their game, but I do think there is something to there being the wrong person up top making important design decisions that are negatively effecting the game itself. It’s happened with Diablo 3, it’s happening now. /shrug
Too many instances of this expansion having people negatively report issues in beta with things going live, and only now do they acknowledge all the beta data(that of course got deleted) may have a point to it.
Yes, it’s important for developers to feel strongly about where to take the game and sticking to their guns, but at the same time it’s also important to understand why the game got so popular in the first place, and not try to go against these things. As an example of this, for close to 7 years people had an easy time with off-spec, which enabled people in important group roles(tanks/healers) to do other content without it being a hassle. And yet, even now with the Azerite system literally going against years of design, the developers and blues of the forum defend it staunchly.
Ghostcrawler’s design philosophy(in my opinion, someone who has played steadily since launch), always struck me as “Ok, players are complaining about x, but is x really the problem, or is it caused by y?” I just don’t get that sense anymore by decisions made or discussions from the developers about these things.
Yes, Legion was also a little messy when it first launched, but this expansion has been a flat out mess, and if you read between the lines(say, Blizzard suddenly having a promotion a month into a new expansion to encourage people to sub for 6 months for a reward instead of just doing it because they’re enjoying themselves), they know it somewhat as well.
I mean, hell, I LOVE trolls, as anyone of my friends can attest to(every class possible max level before this, have played since vanilla as one). This is the troll expansion, I should be online every day just loving things. Instead I find myself having no reason to play, and for the first time since vanilla started contemplating unsubscribing because of it.
stares sadly at orc statue