Don’t get me wrong lol. Of course there’s no justifying it, but this is so insanely outrageous that I am genuinely curious how it’s possible.
I’m never playing arena ever again.
More or less the spec was balanced well. It had nice damage if left alone, but also counterable damage via purging wings / bubble causing 50% damage reduction / bop stopping melee attacks from working, etc.
Also it was in a time where Ret didn’t have a kick, but one of the few ranged stuns in the game at that point. Instead of kick we had instant cast Repentence on a 1 min cooldown, and we were reliant on mana just like most dps were. Ret also had dispel just like holy pally did (and other hybrid offspecs), and freedom would remove a stun from target which was kind of like the oldschool version of blessing of Sanc
This game already has less subs than WoD and is probably only going to become lower after seeing how many complaints occur per day about common imbalance unenjoyable gameplay. Its an insult to the integrity of competitive e-sport’s.
It should happen 0 games ever what part of that isnt clicking in your brain?
do u realize hes actually agreeing with that or can u just not read?
You realize that most classes that get 100% crits in a short period of time can do this? Or are you just unaware of frost dk, arms, boomy, rogue, mage, spriest, etc
Nailed it.
There was a team that 1tricked ret/war/rsham to the grand finals in EU during cup 1 I believe, if that helps… Not sure if they beat Method or SKEU to get there, but either way, they beat multi-blizzcon champs.
The issue with ret is that it’s a wildcard in every sense; they can get a wings proc at literally any moment of the game and it could be instant lights-out 1-2 globals later even if you’re 100% hp and they’re 25 yards away…
I think most of us have seen rets ‘accidentally’ kill people with Toll the way boomkins ‘accidentally’ kill someone they weren’t intending to with Convoke.
This type of crap just does not belong.
I can live with the high output during wings (even with its unprecedented uptime), but losing a game the whole time just to instantly 100-0 someone off a proc wings>seraphim>toll simply has no place in the game.
Convoke and Toll need to be put in the same dumpster and set on fire.
You realize this isnt an a zero sum game?
None of those classes (which btw, no one else can do 25k dps even under their best circumstances in an arena) should be able to do this much burst in the spam of 2 globals. NO ONE. Even affliction warlocks who can one shot when the stars, the sun, and Jupiter align with deathbolt is not exempt from this. Cheesy garbage like this does not belong in the game.
There’s no further caveat than that, we don’t need your analysis on what lead to the ret doing 25k dps and why or how they should of done this or that to prevent it. That’s what pisses people off about ret/mage/convoke apologist. Stop trying to justify it and just be a normal person and go “yeah that’s a bit much”.
Have not seen rogue do this since pre-nerf. And even then it was just 1 target and required a stealth opener (and it got nerfed fast AF).
Spriest, haven’t seen it at all - we have a good solid go that can definitely kill a target in stun>silence (~8 seconds) but nothing like this at all.
Boomkin requires either 3 consecutive globals with extremely lucky crits or convoke (which, again, belongs in the dumpster alongside D.Toll)
FDK requires stacked and stunned targets to do anything even close to this.
Fire mage…Fair enough, but they also don’t proc combustions randomly they can execute this off of.
Arms definitely has not been doing anything like this… I’ve seen executes as high as 17k and that’s still nowhere near what this clip shows.
What I was referring to was this:
Most Ret’s favor either a haste/vers or mastery/vers build, which means given the right gear they have around 7-8% crit baseline.
Lets take full buffs now = 8% + 8% seraphim + 20% wings. 36% crit on average during full cooldowns, assuming they run seraphim (them pressing seraphim should be sign to react btw). It’s not always taken but in that clip the ret also decided to take the pvp talent for another 12% (when max stacked) and his enemies let him get full stacks before his go, so 48% crit.
Normally your odds of getting ALL crits on 3 aoe spells hitting 3 different targets with 36% crit is pretty low. That’s 3 (+ - 2 extra judgments if they proc) judgments, 3 hits of wake of ashes, 3 hits of final verdict, 3 hits of divine storm if he chooses to use that over TV.
That’s 12-15 hits that all need to hit at 36% chance to crit. 48% with his buff, but flip a coin 12-15 times and your odds of getting all heads is pretty low. So once again the problem is 3 fold – blizzard designed a crappy spec that needs 100% of cooldowns to kill all stacked together, you need to win the RNG lotto for this to work, and your enemies need to be dumb enough to stack this that particular set of talents selected.
this is an important point. this isnt something you can really replicate reliably.
RNG should never be a win condition
I see your point.
So he won the lottery, of course.
But when other specs (convoke aside) win the RNG lottery, they net a defensive CD they didn’t deserve. When ret does it, the game is over for no reason.
good on you. some of his replies are heinous violations of the forums coc and just downright offensive.
Your entire posting history is a violation of the forums coc. Thank god they don’t enforce it.
Really a rogue complaining about pvp what bull man. If your losing to a pally your just a bad rogue. See you guys one shot holy pally all the time lol. Nerf Rogue
Wouldn’t this still have been a completely insane amount of damage even if it crit in line with its average? or not at all? i feel like even if none of that crits, it would still be massive amount of damage. maybe i don’t know how it works, but that looked like a full geared 60 hitting a bunch of level 50s in greens.
Watching rets trying to defend this is gold
I mean, if it’s being outplayed at their level it can be outplayed at your level.