I really think Ret would be more enjoyable to play, and play against if they had just addressed what the community has been wanting since Legion:
- more mobility
- higher sustain, rather then burst
- magic defensive options so casters can’t 100% manhandle us
Ret should be a support class. We should have strong heals that are casted (not instant cast) so there is a risk versus reward for getting kicked. We shouldn’t obliterate people because we stack divine toll, wake of ashes, and optional final reckoning all with wings and pray for RNG crits to obliterate people like we saw in the video.
It’s such a travesty of a spec that every expansion blizzard over does it with damage, we eat multiple nerfs, and then by the 2nd or 3rd season we become useless. The damage is to low once we get into later seasons, and they never buff us to compensate. It’s awful class design from an awful team.