Reminder that rets are doing this

Pretty cool 25k DPS


Looks super hard. Insane gamers


I want to contribute


Yeah this guy really showed those fellas how out skilled they were.
My favorite was the guy who died in the blind LOL


Seraphim + Wings + On-Use Trinket + plus they used 4 CC’s to give him 12% additional crit & 12% additional damage from Vengeance Aura. Outside of Berserker buff from BG’s that was literally the dream situation AND he RNG’d every ability as a crit

Yeah don’t start spamming CC’s until the ret uses wings when hes running Vengeance Aura lol, and even then those CC need to be on the Ret


I agree, nerf rogue/mage


hey man I like you but like c’mon
all those guys knew was “its gonna get bad quickly”

Also its a 3v3 arena and he had a Fire Mage on his team. Imagine none of those abilities crit and the mage gets to burst too. Mage legitimately just stood there and did 2.8k damage before 2 people died.
Upon another rewatch all of that damage was done without DarkArch. Imagine DarkArch on top LOL


My biggest actual problem with this is that I feel more and more that WoW is continuing towards the d3 style of damage modifiers. We’ve been going the d3 way ever since Jay Wilson got fired from d3 and his buddies on the wow side hired him.

First expac since he came on board, we got bounties (world quests, in WoD.) Next expac Legion, we got greater rifts (M+.) And we got insane legendaries in Legion that mimic the d3 style.

My point is, I main rsham but have had to reroll warrior for the needs of my raid team. So in pvp I play arms and afflock. But with the current design philosophy going more heavily into super-bursty damage modifiers for ridiculous numbers, I feel like the classes I enjoy have been left out.

It sucks when skill is not actually a valuable metric in ~33% of games, because silly burst just ends it. I’m certainly not saying I’m the best player out there, but I have to work twice as hard in 2/3 of my games, cause I can count on silly globals like this happening in 1/3 and guaranteed losses. (even worse if toon is 204ilvl and undergeared.)



I’m just letting you know, that happens maybe once in every 30-40 games at best. It’s the dream situation of full buffs + actually getting those RNG crits.

Massive misplay on their part for stacking enough to get a triple DB from the mage as well


No class should EVER do this much damage with INSTANT CASTS.

No excuse. Not even BFA destro was this stupid. And that’s saying a lot.


i agree nerf DK. Also nerf MW just because.


The modifiers are getting gross. In WoD we had on use trinkets, talent modifiers, and the set bonus modifiers. That was it.
Now we have soul binds, conduits, on use trinkets, legendaries, regular talent modifiers, pvp talent modifiers, and the crit modifier being raised. It’s a big reason why things without cooldowns hit like dry pool noodles and with cds they feel like you’re getting hit by a semi-truck going 80 mph.


Diablo is a better RPG than WoW but not D3 and Jay Wilson who ruined the Diablo franchise.

With that said they hired David Kim the lead D4 Dev to work on SL before launch so we might see his personal influence soon.

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I certainly love Diablo games, and will 100% be pre-ordering d4 when it comes on board.

It’s been forever, and d3 RoS has run its course now (its stupid, we can do gr150s in the first 48hrs of season.) But I’m very hopeful for d4. :slight_smile:

Game needs to go back to strong sustain. At most you should be looking at a 20% damage buff, or 20% crit, or 20% haste, etc. That way the difference between pressing a cooldown and normal sustain damage is only a slight bump in the ability to net a kill.


had to roll out that chill streak nerf ASAP though


2 people got DBd. And that’s honestly the best way to play vs mages imo especially with a shaman. Shaman earth ele flesh crafts stands about 10ish feet away. He can interupt or ground any poly cast off the double db. The two of them are stacking so meteor damage gets split (big deal when they come down for 19k+ with DarkArch). Honest to god their only REAL egregious horrible mistake was walking into each other for the blind and you can’t really blame them for that. The guy is playing blind when he’s the only person that can bring a stun for his team which seems super troll. Kill setups from them should be sheeps on healer into HoJ kill right?

I mean I see boomkins doing the same thing but out of stealth and 40 yards away, nothing new this season…


LOL so this explains a lot jay wilson is absolutely terrible. Ruined Diablo and ruining wow awesome