Reminder: Feint is off the GCD

You can now macro it with all of your defensives: cloak, evasion, vanish, vial, etc…

Gives a little more help to your cooldowns.

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I wouldn’t macro it, considering the state of energy issues for all 3 specs. It really should only be pressed for the absolute need of AoE reduction, unless you’re looking to spend twice as long not pressing buttons for damage.

Just be mindful that you can hit it responsively at any time. It’s an adjustment, but not a hard one.


Not to offensive spells, for emergency defensives.

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Yeah, even still. Any unnecessary energy costs regardless are something we just can not afford without severe punishment at the moment.

Also, our defensives are all intentionally situational. You will gain no benefit to cloaking and hitting it, same with evasion. Either those defensives are immuning the damage or they do nothing. Feint is situational AoE reduction. You should never be hitting them all together outside of seriously bad PVP situations.


Not only that but a lot of these abilities have further talents that give them an effect similar to Feint to reduce damage that they otherwise fail to negate.


Yeah, definitely not something you’d hit with others normally. It’s nice I don’t have to pause my rotation for it again though. Dunno why they ever decided to put it on the GCD anyway, as I don’t remember it being so a few years ago. Regardless, it’s something you’re generally hitting in prep for or in response to AoE.


It was done at a time when Rogues had nigh infinite energy and were just macroing Feint to everything for permanently reduced damage taken/reduced threat (when threat mattered).


Just macro it to stealth since you can’t use that button in combat anyway.

Ah, I see. That was stupid of them. Can’t say I’m surprised though.

I was very young but I remember when Trickster was using Feint to stack Unseen Blade early on in the alpha.

Imagine if that stayed and the result would be that Feint would still be on the GCD.



:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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