Remembering WoD for casual PVP gear

Same way the 500 cq quest and chest worked now, both were affected by the trophies.

So when you loot from the chest it just starts at the higher ilvl and you can spend your conquest upgrading and buying from vendor.

The only thing to wonder is if gear will drop from rated wins, which probably not.

Yes. That would work. Once you hit w/e rating you want or can handle, then you just need one win a week.

You have mental issues.

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Your mental obviously isn’t adept enough to form an argument.

Keep your post count at 8 and thank me later for the advice.

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Better rewards for more challenging content has been a staple of this game since Vanilla.

If you want the best gear, guess what? You have to put the work in to get it.

Go do some arenas, it will make you a better PVP’er.

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What about rating getting you conquest gear faster like in WoD and MoP?

Functionally, it is the same as having gear gated behind rating, in that you will have better gear than unrated players throughout the season. Only at the very end would an unrated player get a full set of conquest.

Blizzard (when they made the best PVP expansions) removed rating requirements:

Full blue post:



Yea, I’m also wondering if this new system is going to destroy PvP alts? Will we go back to the Cata sytem of “oh hey it’s the middle of the season, might as well wait 2 months instead of gearing right now.”

I guess if the PvP vendor sells trophies to boost ilvl up to your max rating it wouldn’t destroy alts, provided that conquest catch-up is still a thing.

Doing arena doesn’t make you better at random BGs. It makes you better at arena. That’s why this Glad achieve UHDK ends up rage quitting against a scrub UHDK even though he had to be killed three times since he was getting healed by a resto druid.

Arena titles do not impress me. Good gameplay when it matters does.

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Actually, he is 100% wrong which is why you upvote and agree with him. The top dogs in a random BG aren’t always going to be people with high rating.


Not always but more often than not they are.

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WoD had vendors that were nice, but it also had gear scaling in combat, this helped full time pvpers compete vrs pvers with high end gear, system should be put back in place.


You’re hilarious.

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And you are narrow-minded and not intelligent if you actually think doing arena makes you better a pvper for random BGs.

I mean dude random bgs aren’t hard, but rating doesn’t prove skill. So both of you are arguing on flawed stances.

However random bg is 100% easier than 2k arenas.

Not really my point.

I’m saying he is narrow-minded because he seems to think that arena is the only pvp that matters.

We have arena, rated bgs, random bgs, dueling, world pvp. They are all pvp but in different formats. They require different knowledge, different builds and different playstyles.

You generally only get good at things that you actually do. That is why some high rated players don’t do well on their own. But, also, I would never say being good at random BGs means you will do well in arena which is a laughable thing to say. But, that isn’t what I’m saying.

Arena is the hardest pvp format to do well in, but being good at arena doesn’t mean you are going to be good at things that you don’t do.


No, he said do some arena, it will make you a better pvper. And this is true, it will because it’s less confusion. I mean, you can replace arena with rated BGs even if that makes you feel better.

Or they were carried to their rating and aren’t very good, hence why I said rating isn’t really the best indicator of skill

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Playing arena or rated BGs is not going to make me better at random BGs. I mean, it could be helpful for more inexperienced players but I’ve been doing this for awhile.

Here is my monk in a match against a five man rated BG preform and a three man with high rated people: gladiators, grand marshals, hero of the alliance.

Why did they lose if they are so much better than me and the people I was playing with casually?

Be sure to watch the grand marshal rogue and gladiator hunter get punked right after the garrison side comments on free action potions.

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Never said it’s 100%, but for a lot of people it would help them improve.