Maintenance was never that bad as an Emerald Dreamer because every nerd on the server immediately went to the forums to forum PVP. I think a lot of you turds are on Twitter now (lol) so this place isn’t anywhere near as good as it used to be.
I’m just here to reminisce.
Whose the greatest ED forum PVPer of them all? Got to be Annoyed … man she rustled the nerd jimmies. lol
lol the good old MoP days. Sure miss those times
People get far to upset over a little forum pvp. So I rarely if ever post on the forums. I have nothing constructive to add to a conversation.
Nothing will ever top the Great Forum Purge when people were getting perma’d for the silliest reasons.
Yeah. Everyone hides behind discord these days. To each their own. Lol.
Keep in mind the forums are way more heavily moderated nowadays too. Threads dissappear cuz of reports.
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Very true. That’s why I mentioned to each their own. I haven’t forgotten about the last mass report fest a few months ago. 10+ years of playing WoW many posts and never experienced anything like that. Only on ED.
Again, to each their own.
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So true.
Mirrors the warlock’s head shake
wriggles tongue in hopes that the dwarf will as well
I owned ED forums with any iron fist in MoP and it is not surprising that people fondly reminisce to that era.
Forums simply do not work the same way today. It is too easy to report and more people get easily offended.
MoP era forums still pale in comparison to Vanilla/BC/Wrath/Cata days. MoP era was pillow soft.
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