Remember this guy was more awesome then Zovaal

And he has more memes in his entire boss fight. And he was a shirtless villain.

Sorry, guy doesn’t ring a bell. And no one can ever beat:


Well you know, the advantage of that is the villain actually gets to beat up the main character. The narrative is designed in wow so we always win, it’s like those weird deals that got signed with Fast and Furious that makes it so the main actors can never lose a fight lol. It sucks when you realize we’re just going to rofl stomp everything.

Also, I 100% think people would’ve liked the Jailer if he showed up in his giant suit of armor as soon as the expansion started. Hobo man with only pants on isn’t that appealing.


I think people would of liked the jailer if he was just better written

not really, it’s hip and cool to make fun of the writing right now even making giant stretches to do so. he would still be clowned on.


Jailer should have never been shown. His pop-up voice boxes should have just been a pair of eyes hidden in smoke, and he never should have appeared physically.

The problem with the Jailer is he looks stupid.

Remember that lich god form of the jailer. Really should of ran with that

I’m seriously expecting this expac to end with Scrappy Doo pulling off the Jailer’s mask and it being Khadgar the entire time :roll_eyes:

We’re at that level of bad… that it’s not even Scooby Doo… but Scrappy Doo.


I admit that he started off with potential. Unknown figure who posed a threat and was working with Sylvanas. Then as the story progressed and retconned history it just fell apart.

If it wasn’t for the retcon which felt like the writers just pumping up a character the players only met once and through cut scenes and instead wrote him as a villain who just wanted all to serve him things probably would have been more palpable.

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Writers don’t put in effort to be honest. They only did in legion cause WOD backlash was really bad


With how SL’s main storylines were received one can only hope the writing for the next expansion will also improve then. :rofl:

I know this is a joke and all, but the reason meme Garrosh works is because real Garrosh doesn’t have much of a personality beyond being a meathead with an inferiority complex. The joke is that there is such a massive difference between the two characters.

Memes about the character OP linked don’t have to do anything to change his character. They just quote him. That’s because he literally is a walking meme that oozes charisma every time he talks.

WoW could only dream of having a character like that.

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Armstrong showed up for two scenes (three if you count the DLC) and he’s a significantly better villain than Zovaal. A butt-pull villain who is inserted into an the existing fiction as a final boss can actually work, you just have to have the writing chops to pull it off. Armstrong enhances the fiction without retconning the previous events. Platinum Games had the utmost respect for the fiction that Kojima Productions created and seamlessly tied their own fiction onto/into it, rather than tearing it open and hamfistedly stitching their lore into the mix.

The problem is that Danuser is too dang proud to bend the knee and show the proper respect to his superior Metzen and so we got this abomination as a result.


His dialogue is also terrible.


The Metal Gear franchise as a whole has dozens upon dozens of incredibly iconic characters, many who only existed for a single game. I don’t believe for a second that it was impossible for Zovaal to work as a villain. They just failed writing him.


The Jailer is a bad fanfic OC for Bleach’s Arrancar arc.

And if you’re going to rip off anime for your villains don’t rip off bad anime like Bleach.

I always saw the Jailer as Anubis from Stargate.

Zovaal has to save us from the Replicators :joy:

Anubis explaining to Baal how he wants to use ancient technology to wipe out existence and remake it in his image.

He even pulls out the “I will spare you for now so you may witness” trope.

“You have no way of knowing what is necessary, and what is not, in the Grand Design.”
“Whose Grand Design?”

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I hope they never cover anything about Void Lord’s

There has to be some beings in the universe that are powerful than us that can never be defeated. Let void lords be that.

Witcher 3 did this best. Geralt was powerful but there are some beings that he never tries to mess with in the game

Wow has gone extremely far with power creep

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It’s actually baffling that Zovaal and Denathrius are villains in the same expansion, supposedly written by the same writing team. Even if the Jailer’s plan remained half-baked and completely nonsensical, if he had even an ounce of the smarmy smugness that Denathrius had, he would at least have been 10X more of an entertaining villain.


It makes sense that the Jailer be a cold enemy. I think the problems were other things.

I also think the Jailer would’ve been better received if we got glimpses of him in past expansions. I’m pretty sure if he was shown (even if in the shadows) in Wrath, Cata, MoP, etc. even just saying one line, would’ve had the playerbase talking and theorizing about him and him being the mastermind behind everything would’ve made more sense.

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