LoL @ the white knightrs scrambling to defend what they cannot refute, the buff exists, they can easily make it an absurd multiplier.
You are a bad troll, every instance you can 1-shot bosses in should just be deleted? I mean it practically is just mailed to me if I don’t loot them as I run faster than sonic through SOO
The assumption that everything they say is a promise is why they very rarely say anything.
There so many devs on this team now that the idea that they require all of them to push out a patch like 10.0.5 that added Storm’s Fury and trading post or 10.0.7 that added a small zone and a ring is crazy. They can devote people to change numbers in the coding of old raids or coding in a portal etc. It does not take that many resources. It’s more a problem of no desire to do so on their part. Everytime legacy content is brought up to them in interviews you can tell how much they hate it’s existence and hate talking about it.
just stop living in the past…
I would rather all old content give me a buff called “The coolest ever” that automatically equips sunglasses and gives me the ability to fly around shoots streams of golden “holy light” into bosses for transmog gear than… whatever it is they’re trying to do with old content atm.
Nobody’s got a BFA-only locked raiding guild. Just let us one hit kill the nonsense at 70, and farm our mounts in peace.
Who promised? What promised?
I think legacy stuffs were left hanging. Good thing, they made Chromie. But soloing a legacy dungeon? It’s just a product of auto-scaling. They made a lot of money when the content was current. When it gets old, the value was like garbage. But to Blizz surprise, they didnt know there are players LIVING on legacy not playing the new content.
Blizz is forcing everybody to play the the current game. If I were them, just have Chromie for past stuffs. Make past content unreachable if not with Chromie. This way, everybody plays the current game.
BTW, the players who missed the current game should have no privilege to access its goodies when the expansion life ended. They should stop feeling entitled. Let them get it during its time. Getting the mount by facerolling its hard raid dungeons when it became legacy should not be a norm. If people want old goodies, keep the difficulty equally scaled to their level. If we get that mount with 10+ people, they should do the same 10+ people to get it when it becomes legacy. But I think, regarding the mounts, the chance% of getting it during its time is high, and it’s 0.0000001% when it becomes legacy. That is fine too… I guess. Fair.
What an extremely ignorant and clueless take. Thank you for contributing.
They also never did bug fixes for it.
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Awe it’s a jumping spider. Cute.
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Lmao i was thinking this as well but held off posting about it. Thanks
they couldnt even release 2 specs for their new hero class which was a major selling point for the xpac. do you really thing those promises even matter to them
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They cant reveal it yet becoz it’s on next season or next expansion. Just wait and see.
I can absolutely believe that they’re managed so poorly that it would take them that long to do it. I don’t know the insides of blizzard or any of the devs behind them, but with how much they struggle to implement small features… it says where they’re at currently.
That they don’t care about the 7 people complaining about having to press w a little longer while 1 shotting everything?
Yeah i’m absolutely positive that the people on this forum make up 100% of the player base, thank you for your contribution.
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Oh if you want to talk facts.
Can you link your indepth tour video to back up your claims about the inner workings of blizzard. Thanks.
i ment preservation since there already forcing people into 1 playstyle and devastation since thats just a clunky mess. not to mention all the bugs and problems that have been there since alpha/beta
SoO do be taking forever. the crate room
I doubt they are planning on doing anything about this besides waiting for players to get over it, get on that hamster wheel, and push high keys.