Rematch issue

It looks like the add on is up to date, but I can’t figure out how to activate it. I thought there used to be a button on the pet window, but I don’t see it now.

My Rematch is popping up normally when I open the Pet window,

There is ai tickbox bottom left beside the Summon button that turns Rematch on and off. Is yours ticked?

That’s what is missing. No box to check.

That suggests to me that it hasn’t loaded, but if you see it loaded in your Addons window…

Maybe try removing it and downloading it again?

I’ll try that. Thanks

Edit: Although it appeared to be up to date, it actually was not. It’s working now. Thanks for your input.

As always, appreciative that Gello handles WoW patches so much better than Blizzard does. The July 23 Rematch update did the trick.

Minor quibble, can’t seem to get the pet list to sort by either Level or Rarity, trying both it still is only sorting on Name.

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I wound up having to move the saved variables file to get the pet tab of collections to show everything–else it was just a blank window. Hurt a bit as I never did a back up of the saved teams but that serves as a good lesson to me LOL

I’m glad OP got it working. Patch days are chaotic enough without addons in the mix.

I’ve had a couple reports that an interaction with Pet Tracker was causing an issue with the blank journal/Rematch windows. If you temporarily disable PetTracker you may get Rematch working enough to see your teams (a good time to backup them all too!) I’ll be looking at it tonight and the sort issue too.

Further info on my Rematch sort problem.

I’m using the download, with all other add-ons turned off. Did a Reset All on Filters. Sorting my pet journal for either Level or Rarity doesn’t work, continues sorting only on the default Name. All other sort criteria appear to work normally.

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thanks for that tip! I will do this once I get home tonight, as well as doing a backup, I did save the saved variables files in a different location so will be easy enough–thanks for the great addon!

The 5.2.1 version just uploaded should fix the issue causing Rematch to break while PetTracker is installed.

I couldn’t reproduce the sort issue. If it’s still an issue on the new version, I recommend doing these in order:

  1. I’m sure you’ve tried but at the bottom of the Sort menu click Reset to restore all three levels of sort. It’s possible it’s stuck on speed or some other attribute instead of Name as a secondary sort.
  2. Turn on script errors if not already (copy and paste to chat: /console scriptErrors 1). And then try to change sort to see if you get an error. If so, you can PM me on wowinterface or curseforge to avoid spamming here. (I only need top dozen lines not the whole thing)
  3. If you already had scriptErrors on or you get no error, go to Options tab and under Pet Filters, change the Sort By Chosen Name while the list is sorted by Level or Rarity. Is it changing sort when you turn that on/off? It should sort pets by the species(original) name when that’s unchecked, and by the name you gave it when checked. You may want to look at secondary sort too, see if it’s changing (under Then Sort By in sort menu).
  4. If the above doesn’t help, PM me on wowinterface or curseforge an export of your options. You can do that from About Rematch section of options, there’s an Export button. It’s possible there’s a combination of options that’s causing the issue and an export of your options will let me mimic your options.

all my teams are gone…i have uninstalled PetTracker in its entirety and also tried reinstalling the newest version of Rematch (5.2.4) and my saved teams remain completely blank…any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated!

Just checked and my Rematch still working fine after the lengthy Blizzard maintenance this morning. If you’re using an old version of BattlePetBreedID add-on, this can interfere with Rematch and you should get latest version of that.

If that doesn’t help, would be an easy fix if you can restore a backup of the necessary .LUA file in your WoW WTF folder

…/WTF/Account/your account name/SavedVariables/Rematch.lua

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If you paste this into chat it will say the number of teams Rematch has saved:

/dump Rematch.savedTeams:GetNumTeams()

If it’s more than 0 then your teams are fine it’s just having an issue displaying them.

When an addon has an error, it completely stops and kicks control back to the UI. So when you see a blank teams it’s possible it got far enough to render the window but when it went to put a team on the panel it got an error and gave up.

Incompatabilities with other addons is a common cause of errors that are not experienced by others. For instance when Rematch looks at the pets it needs to put on screen and then asks Battle Pet Breed ID or Pet Tracker what breed it is, if they explode in Rematch’s face in a way that makes Rematch explode too, it just stops and you continue to stare at a blank teams panel. Ultimately I need to wrap exception handlers around these breed addons so when they break it will not impact Rematch too; but many other addon conflicts (many perhaps Rematch’s fault) can cause this behavior too, like the eternal struggle for the pet journal elements.

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yeah, i typed in this string and it said [1]=0

That’s unfortunate, it means the teams are gone like you said. As a last-ditch effort, you can look in the wtf/account/%youraccount%/savedvariables folder to see if there’s a Rematch.lua.bak backup made by the client. If so and it’s larger than the Rematch.lua in that folder, then I recommend copying both files someplace safe and then deleting the Rematch.lua and renaming Rematch.lua.bak to Rematch.lua. (This should all be done while out of the game.)

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A few years ago, I lost all my Rematch info as well. I was working on the PvP achievement and tracking that was a real concern of mine.

But after it happened, I actually realized it wasn’t such a bad thing. It made me rethink a lot of the teams I had . And it forced me to think on my feet (so to speak) in many fights where I was just going through the motions.

Ultimately, it made me a better player. Because I actually had to think about what I was doing rather than just push the same buttons over and over,.

It sucks. I know. But you have to make the best out of it. There are times when changing things up is invigorating.

But kudos to Gello for chiming in. I don’t see many addon creators show up here.


i looked at that already, and the BAK had the same size and date as the regular LUA file, so i guess its just a wash…no big deal…its going to give me the opportunity to put some newer pets into use since i know what team structure i want for most opponents.

thanks for your help and thanks a TON for the addon!