Remastered TBC Season 2 sets

Can we get the remastered versions of TBC S2 sets? These are between the most iconic and pretty class sets in the game, if I could wear the warlock one but remastered I would probably play the class even more. But I think all classes would benefit from it, just as we had the remastered versions of TBC S3 sets in Legion, from ToS.

I saw the new The War Within S1 sets and… Most of them do not look any good, despite from Evoker’s, they all look pretty bad. Blizzard did much better many years ago. If you can’t design new good looking sets just remaster the ones that are already good.

I suppose most people would like to have a remastered version of their TBC S2 class sets. There is a fan made version of the paladin’s one and it just looks so good. Probably the best paladin set I have seen, and it is not in the game.

Do us this favor, Blizzard.

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I disagree all the sets are bad, although some are certainly acquired tastes. I mean I support the idea of HD remakes of both Tier 2 and Tier 3 because they were awesome, but I hardly think it should be something that is done because somebody thinks the artists have made a bad tier set.

It doesn’t need to be done because the artists have a bad understanding of aesthetics. It just needs to be done because the sets are pretty.

They could make them a reward for the next Mage Tower, for example. It would already be good. Recolored ToS sets isn’t that much of a thing. Remaster old sets instead.

The class sets from TWW are terrible looking though. I don’t know how someone looked at that and thought “great”. Literally if they searched it on Pinterest we would have had better looking sets. That’s how bad those ones are. They were clearly made without any care, people who designed those sets probably don’t even play the game.