A majority of these set bonuses are either missing vital components to actually making the thing they are changing useful or just outright not helping the class at all while giving up previous set bonuses that actually ARE good.
Also we REALLY REALLY DON’T NEED “This set bonus works on undead only”
Nobody liked or even used the “dragonkin only” items in Sunken Temple and no one wants this in Naxx.
At this point you might as well lock the armor to only being equippable inside Naxx… What else am I gonna use this for? The TWO end-game undead dungeons?
Seriously someone had to have taken some acid before coming up with these ideas.
From a ReT pov the flavor of Holy Wrath and DS is great but ultimately needs adjustment and everyone’s 6pc needs adjusting due to the nature of this unless we just rocking multiple gear sets further needing bigger bags.
So if I were to rework this for Ret id do the following.
2pc: Divine Storm now deals Holy Damage and is increased by 20%. In addition is now affected by Art of War.
4pc: Reduce Mana Cost and Cast time of Holy Wrath by 100% and lower CD by 75%. (Maybe increase damage by 10% on this and Exo as well)
6pc: Avenging Wrath CD lowered by 50% and Hammer of Wrath is usable while Avenging Wrath is active.
As for the Naxx specific/vs Undead only effects which are fun. Could potentially be turned into a Ring or Trinket for the classes if they want those in.
Well i dont think reducing AW cd by 50% is trash? Have it also buff HoW as well by 50% and never miss?
Though I understand the sentiment, my big thought truly would be just remove the “vs Undead” only issue. But if that would create too many problems a different approach with the sets would be good. If not HoW then 1 min AW? Buff or play style option to something else?
Now of course this is just from a Ret PoV vs all the other classes that exist and specs. So if I had to give a flat critique it would be to remove the vs Undead only affix.
2pc Divine Storm now does holy damage
4pc Divine Storm critical strikes reset the cooldown your next Divine Storm
6pc Divine Storm can now proc your seals
It’s hard to Say that those bonus are worth for a ret. T2 is a Masterpiece and taking out the set 2 and 4 from tier 2 is a total dps loss and a step back in the ret gameplay.
T1 and t2 have seal twisting and exodin helper, but this tier 3 is a total mess, doesnt Match with exodin and doesnt Match with seal Twister.
Its at least to me an attempt to make Holy Wrath fun. For me personally I love the spell but they could take such an effect and put it on a Libram or make Ashbringer obtainable and put it in that then super buff it by 100 - 300% if on a Leggo/Artifact.
But with all the other tier sets and the complain of it being only vs Undead those particular only vs Undead effects could be attached to a Trinket, Ring, Neck or special buff item thats perma in Naxx.
Personally now that I think about it: should be a perma buff item or if not perma a cheap consumable.
Hammer of Wrath IS literally useless lol. Without the rune it is HORRIBLE because of the cast time and spell pushback. It barely does more damage than exo. The exo rune literally almost doubles the dps exo can do with the reduced cooldown.
The only reason the rune is good is because of the 10% hp CD reset and even then having exo up nearly all the time is better.
Hammer of Wrath should be instant baseline, and improved should increase damage by 100%, reset on 10%, and be usable on anyone in Avenging Wrath. Even then I’d still NEVER use it lmfaoo
part of the issue with ret sets is half of the Ret pallies are Twisting and Half are Exodin and they cant make a set bonus that will feel good for both playstyles
the current Tier 3 the 2pc bonus is only attractive to twist (barely) and the 6pc is only good for exo (debatable) but neither feel fun or exciting
Protpaladin yap again, you don’t twist whenever HoW is an option as a ret paladin. This is an acceptable 6pc.
I would rather have the ICC Ret 2pc which is: “Your melee attacks have a 40% chance to reset the cooldown on your Divine Storm ability.” (yes it’s the ICC 2pc ret set)
With current mana costs I don’t even wanna use HW on trash because CS will not keep up with the mana demand, it restores 5% mana in current AQ BiS and it costs like 1/3rd of our mana pool. DS on the other hand is 8x times more efficient in terms of mana.
peak useless set bonus, naxx didn’t had many big trash packs nor boss fights that are big aoe clusters. I would propose something useful for trash and bosses: “Your Righteous Vengeance talent now has a chance for its damage to be critical strikes.” (also yes it is the ToGC 4pc)
I guess when I look at the set for Holy Wrath I would love that bonus or perk somewhere because well personally I love that button.
I get what y’all mean though and I look at it the in a similiar fashion. As before the Holy Wrath affect could easily be a Libram or special weapon ability ie: Ashbringer.
Honestly the holy wrath change should just be baseline. The cast speed/cooldown has never been the reason paladins don’t regularly use this ability. It just costs too much mana and this change could easily be pushed without making us use a tier set bonus slot.
i keep using holy wrath in aoe, the spell is good right now, we dont need to include that thing in the rotation.
people is playing exodin because its bis, if they just make a seal twisting tier no one will be missing the exodin gameplay, this is the same problem with enh shamans using DW when every shaman in classic want to play slow 2h, but DW is bis
So you’re the reason half the dungeon gets pulled!
((I have PTSD from watching Holy Wrath pull multiple mob packs; same with Starfall. It’s like Blizzard intentionally made those abilities “Leroy Jenkins actions”.))
As for Tier Bonuses, I’d much rather they be simply like T0/0.5’s bonuses. Then make the current set bonuses available some other way hint: Path of the Titans.
I dislike that abilities are being fundamentally changed in how they function…but only if you’re raiding. It’s a bad design.