Remaining members in Nidhögg on Area 52 LF new raid team

We have lost a bunch and currently down to 5-6 raid members.

We have 2 tanks, 2 heals and 2 dps (myself included)

Our raid days/times were Weds - Thurs 10pm - 1pm CST

If you have room on your roster for 5-6 experienced raiders, feel free to message me.

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add me Thebanger#11932

we have a smaller guild at the moment and are looking to add more members. raid is friday 8:30pm EST and sunday 6:00pm EST we currently are 8/8 normal and 5/8 heroic. let me know if this is something that could work for you all.

Hello America. My guild, , is seeking new members and could potentially be a good fit for your team. I’m not sure what your prior raiding goals are but I’d be happy to discuss whether this could be a good opportunity for your group.

Feel free to add me on discord: mwgastro

Hey! Happy Friday!! Hope the search is going well. I know our raid times are a bit different than your old ones, but we’re looking to fill out our group to push in to Mythic raiding and would love to have your group join up! Let’s get some loot! Posting our spam below.

We’re recruiting more for our weekly Heroic clears, M+ groups, and getting a solid 20 man group together for Mythic raiding. We’re offering both hugs and cookies. Contact info below!

We raid on Friday and Saturday, 9pm EST to 12am EST, for our main raid group. We also raid 8pm to 11pm on Tuesday for an alt raid. Super awesome group and very friendly, very active, and even play other games together and have movie nights.

Feel free to reach out if it sounds like a fit!

We have already achieved AOTC

What we are looking for:

1 MDPS - Warrior/DK/WW/Shammy/Rogue
1 RDPS - Evoker/Mage/Boomy/Hunter
1 Heals- Evoker/Paladin/Shaman/DPriest
Anyone willing to participate in M+ and push keys!

We accept all players and are not just looking for raiders.

If this seems like a good fit or even just interested feel free to reach out to us, either by replying here or messaging us on the socials.

Bnet: Dragonss#11100, Nymue#11411 Remane#1467

Discord: Dragons2406, Nymue37, Remane

Server Zul’jin: Dragonss, Nymueh, Rimaine

Thank you for your time and as always, Embrace the Chaos and be Epic!

Hey there America we are looking to add a few solid additions to our team currently 4/8M. We raid Wed/Mon from 5:30-9:30 P.M PST but are planning to change to Wed/Thur after Thanksgiving. if you wish to talk add me to discord we’d have a spot for all 5-6 of your friends. _.neonblade discord name or add to in-game bnet Neon#1450

My name is Nakkita, lead recruiter for Eclipsed on Stormrage…we are a guild of 8 raid teams currently…if you would be wanting to create a new team around those players in our guild, I can work with that, contact me at my discord: nakkita76 or BTAG: britt2376#1776

Hey hit me up! I have more than few spots on our W/F 6-9PST raid group!