Relive Your Adventure With the WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Edition

So no classic+…you once again didn’t listen to your community. No new items, no new content, no new zones, no new quests no new/finishing of existing lore. Nothing. Instead, we get the absolute bare minimum AGAIN. Blizzard, you have already done this TWICE. This will be the THIRD time we are visiting TBC and for what? There will be nothing new? and when TBC is done, will you announce…TBC round 4? WE WANT CLASSIC+ AND CLASSIC PLUS IS YOU FINISHING THE UNREACHABLE YET BORERED ZONES IN KALIMDOR AND EASTERN KINGDOMS. WE WANT NEW NPCS, QUESTLINES THAT TOUCH UPON UNFINISHED LORE, NEW ITEMS, THINGS TO DO IN THE WORLD OF WARCRAFT. NEW RAIDS AND INSTANCES FOR EXAMPLE: FERALAS INCORPERATING THE NAGA PERHAPS IN THE PERFECT HUGE VALLEY ISLAND OFF THE COAST. SCARLET SEIGE IN WPL. FURGBOLGS AND THE ABSOULTE MASSIVE DAM DOORS IN NW AZSHARA. There is literally so much you could do that you just don’t do. We don’t want runes, new spells, in game purchases or any of that retail bull. We want you to listen. To. Us. For. Once.


This is nothing more than a lazy cash grab by Blizzard. How dare you get our hopes up with SoD for Classic+ and then you dump this on our laps.


Can we not roll them past WotLK this time? The whole reason people wanted Classic to begin with is because of how much everything from Cata forward changed the game. Vanilla/TBC/Wrath is as far as Classic servers ever should have progressed.


Do you honestly think that it couldn’t happen? How many times have we heard “Classic will never happen” “Housing will never happen” only for it to happen? But who knows, maybe this will be the one time you guys are actually right.


WoW classic-classic, huh?

are they uh… out of ideas? i mean, don’t get me wrong, player housing in retail WoW finally? is great. but for classic…

they could’nt just like, make new content by copy-pasting mobs and making-up a new story? call it an alternate timeline or something? i mean… they got the bronze dragonflight right there for crying out loud…


Incoming massive Alliance only server. Let me guess Pagle 2.0

How about class only servers.

Only Warlocks

Only Priests

Remember that time you beat Final Fantasy with 4 black mages?

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:

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But the community has been asking for fresh servers for years.


Ok you win, classic plus with take another 20 years

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PvP, wsg and ab need to be available from the start. “No need to rush to 60”… there is nothing else to do except level, give us PvP at the start so we can have fun while leveling. Blizzard did you learn nothing?


Warhammer Online did one thing right

You could PVP in battlegrounds immediately at Level 1 and gain XP while fighting other players


I’m having a lot of fun on current classic era realms and plan to stay on them.

When I’m ready to play TBC I’ll switch to the WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition TBC classic realms.

I hope the WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition TBC realms stay permanent.


because you’re addicted to this like the rest

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TBC hardcore please. Give us a level 60 character and set us loose in the Outlands.

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I would have loved to stay in Wrath.


The community is who ruins servers to begin with

Will there be progressive itemization this time around? Or is everyone just going to zone into MC when it opens with AQ level gear again? I didn’t like the first launch of Classic because it trivialized 3/4 of the end game content because there was no progressive itemization.

I think something fun and easy to do would to have PvP free for all servers. Would help solve faction imbalance issues and the world would be a blood bath. Allow 5 man groups but no mega guilds or raids controlling content. Obviously there would be a need for sanctuary zones in some very contested areas and towns so griefing doesn’t get out of control, but I really think that would bring some good light to the PvP part of the game.

Without GDKP things are much cooler though


Not sure if devs read these. I’ve been playing wow on and off since 2004 and I’ve never contributed to a forum before… But I’m wondering… what, if any, other quality of life changes are being considered with the fresh realms. I recognize it is controversial, but considering we’ve already done classic twice now, is it unreasonable to at least include some of the other changes learned from previous classic or SoM; such as;
-changes to dungeon mobs to discourage boosting
-meeting stones as summoning stones
-dual spec to encourage more class diversity/versatility (or reduced respec costs)
-Instant Mail between characters
-Eliminating debuff cap to encourage more class rotations

I understand it isn’t classic+, and I understand not everyone can be happy, but I feel like these changes were already implemented in previous classic or SoM and made sense.

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Blizzard has a habit to listening to streamers and vocal minority. Dont be shocked if fresh servers are empty in few months yet again. It’s madness to think people will do this again for the third time. We get it classic was good but it isn’t that good to keep recycling fresh servers over and over again

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