Relic Dealers in Keys info plz

Hi! I was in an overtime key and at the end Xy Relic Dealer popped up and I was told to “patch up”. I didn’t fast enough and the dealer despawned.

I can’t find any info on the relic dealers for keys and what they do and why I’m supposed to interact with them. Can anyone help please? ty kindly

If you click patch me up it’ll reset the lust debuff. You can also choose to spawn the wo , vy , and urh relics

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do they have different abilities? Like one patches up lust vs another?

No it’s all the same. People mainly use it to reset the lust debuff

The wo , vy , and urh relics is the key affix for 10+ They give different abilities depending on which one you kill first. They spawn with all bosses, but you can use that dealer to get another spawn. Most people kill urh for the cool down reduction.

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ty kindly, glhf