Releveling Engineering

I recently leveled my engineering and grabbed gnomish engineering and then wanted to RESPEC to GOBLIN engineering but after I unlearned my engineering back to ZERO and paid a lot of gold and spent a lot of time releveling it back to 250 I found that I STILL HAD gnomish engineering and no quest in Ratchet for Goblin specialization. Is this a bug? Or is there something I’m missing? Please help… this will solve ur problems

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Except it won’t in this release.
You have to abandon engineering entirely and then relearn it to change specializations.

Yet the OP tried that, and it didn’t work? So something seems bugged.

Not sure how it’s suppose to work but after leveling back up i went and read the “soothsaying for dummies” book and with no gold charge it allowed me to switch to gob. This was AFTER i had already abandoned and re-leveled engineering.

Someone confirm the bug or TC confirm that you fixedyour problem.

That’s how it worked in Vanilla, you reset it, then when it came time to do the quest skill wise you read the book and could swap.

Any non Gnomish specific recopies you learned outside of a trainer, should be awarded to you when you swap that you had prior, if they are not, then that’s a bug.

I believe it was changed in BC to not require dropping and picking back up and just reset your skill level to the level needed for the decision. Yo would need to re-level to cap out and any higher level recopies were unusable till you had the skill.