Relentless Pursuit 12/12 Heroic Ny’alotha

RelentlessPursuit of Lightbringer is still bolstering its forces, as many players of expansion’s past are coming back to Azeroth! Recruiting Heals and DPS for Raiding and Mythic plus for Shadowlands. However, any role of any level is welcome as well.

Currently 12/12 Heroic Ny’alotha. As of now, we have raid nights on Fridays at 7-10pm Server. Second raid night scheduled for Sundays 630-8pm server. All-guild runs on Tuesdays 630-8pm Server.

We are only accepting members who are 18+ years old. RelentlessPursuit wants to gather like-minded individuals at this time to seamlessly roll into the new expansion, Shadowlands, as soon as it drops.

Please message the following individuals for more details: (GM) Ephtu#1684, (Officer) Ariandis#1879, deadgoon#11115 and/or (Officer) Pyrenius#1798

You can also find us on Guild Finder to apply in-game. Thank you.

Bump! If you’re looking for a relaxed atmosphere and a guild that actually does stuff together, come check out RP!

Still looking for some more folks!!