Released with 8.2?

It just occurred to me; BfA has a large patch coming up soon. They don’t have an exact date yet as far as I know, but Wowhead estimates July 16, a date that I’ve seen guessed for Classic.

Wouldn’t it be possible that Classic releases alongside 8.2?

I know that the “content drought release” is a running theory, but with how passionate Ion was about solving population problems for Classic… I don’t know that a content-drought-in-BfA release makes sense. After all, Classic isn’t meant to be a substitute for BfA.

I mean… what better way to keep the “tourists” away than to give them something big to do in BfA while Classic gets on its feet?


I really hope so!


I think anything is a possibility, to be honest.

I hope so too. The other possibility is that it would come out a month or even two after 8.2, which would suck!

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I think that would be nice, but I just don’t think it would happen.

They’re not going to want to release new content for players at the same time they’re releasing content that could pull those same players away from the newer content.

I hope I am wrong, at least.:crossed_fingers:

I think its a real possibility after all this is not an actual release for them.

They will simply release it with 8.2 to look back at investors and say " Told ya 8.2 would bring more subs" wink wink nudge nudge :wink:

Yea i get that logic but why would they care if they are both included in the same subscription. They just want your money they do not care what you play as long as they have your money.

What if …just hear me out…what if, Classic comes out a month BEFORE 8.2?? Maybe big daddy Blizzard’s been punking us this whole time and their goal is to bring back all the people who want to play class ahead of the 8.2 release on the off chance they may get them interested in the new stuff as well. Build the low key hype??


No, most likely Classic will be released between the huge content drought between 8.3 and the next expansion.

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I sure hope so! I dont think it would be for that reason though.

They know BFA sucks BAD they are not fools the subs will NEVER go anywhere with such a trash game.

The sub count for BFA is always going down nothing will change that but Classic. The people studying their numbers know this its pretty obvious. The company is spitting in their current teams faces by releasing an old version of the game before it sucked LOL.

Obviously anything new they do is a failure if your re-releasing old content and games…

It’s coming in the summer so…

what better way to keep people subbed during BFA content droughts or down time than giving them something else to try?

8.2 looks like a big patch and will keep people busy for awhile. But sooner or later we’re going to be back to raid logging as I am now literally 2 months after a patch.

Classic will keep some people subscribed till the 8.2.5 release so im guessing it will be in the middle somwhere, probably mid to late august.

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i think there’s a new game coming out, if i remember correctly, before july 16th and with school letting out for the summer, i’m going with sometime in early june.

I was a bit curious myself after watching the 8.2 stream. Seems like it’s a huge patch and it’ll need a fair time on PTR, so July seems like the date. The new raid also releases week 2 or 3 of 8.2 release so if it is in July that rules out July completely if they don’t want to overlap.

I think it’s going to be August 25-28th. Unless the good thing happens and they drop it in June.

I don’t think the BFA schedule matters honestly. The point of Classic is to bring in more/old subs. BFA content patch won’t do that. Subs will remain the same or continue to decline.

At the end of the day, Blizzard is a company. Companies want to make money and increase profits. They aren’t going to intentionally delay making more money. Only morons would do such a thing.

Please gief classic in july

I doubt they’d go with 2 launches together. Either they’ll release classic prior to bring back some subs or after to combat potential content drought.

It’s the same subscription
They’re not taking them away from anything, they could even use the numbers from classic to act like they fixed bfa.

They will release 8.2 in june and classic in july, tho

I think we’ll see 8.2 in June and classic 2 months later in August. They would be fools to have 2 releases so close together, especially when they share the same sub.

I think it’s also highly probable we’ll see Classic launch before 8.2.