Relaxing for phase 1?

Maybe phase one is for leveling the main character, maybe an alt afterwards, professions, forming guilds, World PVP and reliving those wonderful experiences once had. Then starting phase 2 everyone should focus on getting great gear and wanting to be the kings and queens of PVP/PVE?

Or you guys are going 100% all in since minute one. Fast leveling, gearing, ranking?

Phase 2 is for the Alt. Phase 1 is for the main and Molten Core.

I am planning on going all in on two charters, hoping to be at least level 40 on one during the first week.

Dude, you do your own thing. Some people are going all in. Some people are taking it easy. It’s that simple.


Phase one is attunements (MC/Ony) and doing tier 1 raids (see MC/Ony)

Phase 1 raids will be extremely easy with a minimal amount of gear required. Once you get your 2 raids for the week in, you can easily go level an alt or something. That’s what I’m planning on doing!

Likely need 50% tier .5 and some fire resist gear before doing MC/Ony still so you will be farming some dungeons for a bit.

T0.5 won’t be out in phase one. And iirc that gear isn’t very good anyway. But you’re right about dungeon gear. Quest greens probabaly won’t cut it for Ragnaros. But half bis pre-raid blues and half random greens? Probabaly enough.

T.5 is dungeon pre-raid blues. Some of that and some fire resist should get you going.

Phase 1 is for rerolling 16 times until I decide on a main.


Pre-raid BiS lists are out for every class now and easy to find by googling. T0 generally isn’t that great for most classes. It’s best to check before assuming.

Phase 1 for me is enjoying myself leveling my character and his professions alongside. Getting BiS geared for raiding at 60 and finding a good raiding guild that is not obnoxious.

Best answer so far ahahahahahah!!! This brings me back to my vanilla days…

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Correct, T0 is meh at best, Tier .5 (dungeon set 2) is what you want to aim for pre-raid (do you see the difference ? ) in classic as it’s a nice upgrade from Tier 0 and usually the top you can get without PvP pre-raid.

… we won’t have it in Phase 1. As mentioned earlier.

Dungeon Set 2 won’t be available at launch. I think it was released during the 1.10 (?). That said, DS1 will have the later updated stats so it’ll be a bit better. No spirit rogues etc.

Going to chill and enjoy returning to Vanilla Azeroth. My main is going to be a Troll Hunter, but later down the road I’ll make alts of other races/classes.

Im gonna be using phase 1 to generate as much gold as i possibly can. I will be maxxing all professions and working on gathering every recipe available.

Imo with no bgs, I’ll use p1 to level my alts and try and raid a bit on those too. There’s some decent mc/Ony gear that’s better than pvp rep gear. By bwl launch, when there’s more to do, I’ll cut back down to just a single character.