Relaxed Group looking for Raiders

Good morning Stormrage!
Somehow over the course of the last couple months our group has become a small cross server group of friends that’s raiding normal and heroic.

What I would love to see is some like minded individuals who are willing to work as a team and accomplish the task of getting AOTC. We are currently 9/9 N and 3/9 H.

What am I looking for? Fun loving joke slinging hammer slamming spell weaving dps who just love the game. We could definitely use a couple more dps and a healer.
Spec? I don’t care, just want to be here and murder bosses.
Raid times? Tues and Thurs: 845-1145 server.

Hoping to hear for from a couple people!

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What time zone is server time?

Eastern time zone.

Oh, awesome! I am central, so that lines up perfectly with my typical availability, haha.

What class of healer are you looking for?

The one you want to play truthfully. We’re pretty laid back and as long as we’re making progress and downing bosses we’re happy. We have a priest and monk healer primarily now.

I’d love to bring my evoker, who is off server, as heals. It’s my preferred raiding toon. But! On stormrage, I have a resto shaman/blood dk/warlock/hunter/holy paladin I can put in the guild.

Just a bump up and to update we are 5/9 Heroic now. I would still love to get a couple dps and a third dedicated healer in our group!