Relax people...they make the game, you choose to play it or not. That's it

I don’t believe I’ve read the community forums in years until today. World of Warcraft in particular has always had long lists of demands from players that they want in the game or want removed from the game. None of you can agree on what you want but you venomously spew your demands anyways. It has always been this way.

The only mistake I think Blizzard makes with new expacs is giving streamers and YouTubers beta access. They almost always lean toward giving negative feedback. They post every zone, quest, system, and spell that’s new , which leaves little excitement and discovery on launch day.

Streamers and Youtubers get large amounts of WoW players to form an opinion (usually negative) before the expansion is even released. Now many of you are demanding a delay in the release of an expac you haven’t played. Quit letting them hype you up against Blizzard. Wait until release and form your own opinion. If you don’t like it, quit playing. You can provide your reason in the feedback box.

Blizzard… test your game internally or have beta testers agree not to leak the content. Don’t even give YouTube and Streamer personalities the option. Let your marketing team handle the promotion. They do a good job of hyping up the game and getting players excited for release. It’s your game, not theirs and not ours. Don’t let others dictate your creativity. Rely on and trust the talent of the people that work for you.


Yeah, so glad we got auras back as ret paladins, wait, what is that? 3 of them are currently passives? It requires a GCD to change auras? You lose passives you have had since Wrath? Oh, why didn’t you say so?

Returning totems to shamans? Cool. Wait, just 1 totem? Ok. Some great unpruning.

I think the problem is the players don’t trust the talent of them. I mean corruptions balance was a joke and so will covenants. And not even a good one, but a game breaking one.


This would all cost money. Businesses generally don’t pay money for something they can have for free

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I’m honestly hesitant to call whatever Retribution Aura is supposed to be in Shadowlands an actual aura.

It would have been another case of just taking one of our passives and turning it into an aura, but they really should have just kept it as the thorns effect it always was.


what a original take that I’ve never seen before. The problem is these people have a track record of being right about the game. It always gets changed because they end up being right that there are problems that need to be fixed.


It’s almost like the WoW Community is still this massive thing filled with people who all do different things in the game.

Free PR is good PR, add in the fact that they also get free testing from it with a far greater reach then they could ever imagine from an internal team means this will quite literally never change.

Most people point out terrible systems which follow similar paths that systems of past expansions have followed and failed and try to scream that it’ll end up in the same route. It is in everyone bests interest that the game is as good as it possibly can be.

If Blizzard didn’t have a track record of failing to tune these systems in ways they claim, I’m sure most people would give them the benefit of the doubt. But they do that have record, and we do not want another expansion that is plagued with unfun systems.

Telling the most dedicated crowd to just quit doesn’t achieve anythihng, unless your goal is for WoW to actually die.

It’s hilarious that you’re going on about how Blizzard shouldn’t let people dictate their process while trying to dictate their process. Blizzard has determined it is cost effective to use their community, who will happily give hundreds upon thousands of hours to the effort while paying them to do it, to do this testing

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People can express their opinions on what they don’t enjoy about wow.

my opinion has ALWAYS been based on my own opinion. HOWEVER i already told myself LONG… ago that if they come out with 2 expacs that i hate back to back im done. it literally makes no sense to do so thats why like you would think they cared more about the work they put out and customers.

EVERYONE is entitled to their opinions as well it’s literally Freedom of speech if you don’t like it then don’t bother just walk away. me personally idc i will have a conversation but sometimes people can’t handle and just want to fight and think they are correct not seeing the overall picture. that is when i just walk away. people like that waste of time and breath.

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Not everyone asking for a delay is basing it off streamers and YouTube. I personally have beta access and there is just so much unfinished content that releasing it would be disservice to customers. That’s not even factoring in the balance changes that have yet to happen.

And you are forced to watch them? Damn the internet, it has taken control of our free will!

And they are taking over our minds as well! What is the world coming to, I ask myself. Wait, did some streamer put that idea in my head? I need a hot cinnamon donut, stat!

People do what they will do. They will ultimately decide, once they start playing Shadowlands, whether or not they like it. In the greater picture, what a streamer or a vid on youtube has to say will make very little difference.

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The people who created WoW are long gone, remember. This is a new dev team, many of whom have played WoW for less time than most players have, and they have yet to prove they can do the job.

Well this title doesn’t imply a dismissive attitude towards criticism at all. /s :confused:

That’s every game that has a fanbase. WoW isn’t special in this regard.

“They are just mad” non-argument. :roll_eyes:

No, they aren’t a mistake, infact, that’s a business move really. Drive hype behind your game by giving it to Streamers and Youtubers, which in turn allows them to promote the game if they like it.

Well if something doesn’t work correctly, is broken or boring, sitting back and just praising it does nothing to fix it.

You’re not forced to hear or read up about them. If you want to maintain the excitement and discovery on launch day, don’t read or hear about them.

Don’t you think there are reasons on why they want a game delayed? I mean besides the pandemic, Blizzard as a company isn’t running on as many people as before due to cutting a lot of costs to achieve that record profit back from 2019. Not to mention this is coming off from BFA since BFA isn’t that great, and Shadowlands has a lot of changes that is very divisive or not greeted with open arms immediately like the covenants and so on. Not to mention, Blizzard really didn’t have the best of decade considering what has happened, and much like EA with Dungeon keeper mobile, Battlefront 2 and it’s gazillion other anti-consumer practices as well killing off studios, that stink carries with you, just like the Diablo 3’s launch day, Overwatch’s popularization of lootboxes, Diablo immortal, and so on.

And people do a good job of skipping those ads if they aren’t interested in watching them, with adblocker’s and such. Or just not clicking on that video.

As much i dislike the idea of using Youtubers and Streamers to promote stuff, it’s pretty much genius to have somebody else promote you for free, happen to be somebody that a lot of peeps will look up to or watch, and it works much better then spending money on an ad.

You know by saying that, they don’t have to listen to you either, right? I mean, you’re part of the group that you’re telling Blizzard not to listen to. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No :slight_smile:

Some of us are attached to this game after years of playing.

pull the subcord!

I would pay quadruple the subscription price per month for this to happen

The only way talking heads can kill a game is if other subscribers agree with the criticism from their own experiences, then subsequently unsubscribe from the game long enough to tank it – points at Wildstar… bye Wildstar

(edit) And, in the case of that game, developers repeatedly ignored fans for years on game breaking bugs, mechanics that never made sense for a MMO, and other hare-brained ideas that ran counterintuitive to the experience.

Depends really. There are some positive and some negative. Granted it has been overwhelmingly negative toward covenants, but that’s because even on paper covenants are a terrible design choice.

Don’t want spoilers…don’t watch. It really is that simple.

But that would mean paying a salary! You know how they hate doing that. Especially when the players beta test for free!

they can have it free… they can also have a NDA.

…but that doesn’t get people talking about it.
they don’t want free testing, they want free advertising.

once upon a time, there used to be a saying “any publicity is good publicity”.
…but that doesn’t ring true anymore.

these “influencers” are bad for the community, and the game as a whole.