Relatively easy to obtain flying mounts?

My son is a pretty new to WOW, and doesn’t have a ton of free time to spend grinding reps. He is also not max level (116) and probably wont be for a while, but he desperately wants a cool looking flying mount. I have him hitting Utgarde as often as he can because he really likes the blue proto, hes also running through the wintergrasp raid to try for the mammoth when we have it but his chance for that is abysmal.

Any ideas on some easier to obtain cool looking flying mounts? Remember hes new so he doesn’t have really any rep except what he got through normal leveling and questing. He really doesn’t want to buy one off the AH because he doesn’t have much cash, and really wants to earn it himself.

Thanks ahead of time!

If he likes drakes, the three easiest to obtain are here:

Obsidian sanctum drops Twilight and Black Drakes on 25 and 10 man respectively at a 100% drop rate. Also Bronze drake in Culling of Stratholm. (Just gotta do the optional boss and complete within the time limit, an easy feat at lvl 116)

Also right now with the 15 anniversary going on, If he can manage to hit 120 and get ilvl 380+ before January when the event ends, the new deathwing mount is available.

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Great ideas, thank you!

There are many you tube videos on easy to obtain mounts that show you exactly what to do. check out warcraftmounts dot com it shows every mount and what type of content to get them.

glory of the ulduaar raider achieve gets you the ironbound and rusted proto drakes,. I like ironbound better than blue. Takes 1-2 hours and just involves soloing one old raid. I thought this one was fun to get . Twilight and black drake are the fastest those take like 5 minutes.

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Red Flying Cloud disc and Riddler’s mind wyrm are fast just flying around zones clicking stuff. I may not have linked the best videos so check out others on the same mounts. Also, the AH has some pretty cheap cool flying mounts. I use the ruby panther often. Sky golem is popular.

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Another fast and easy cool mount especially with the current rep bonus should only take 2-3 hours.

Awesome, thanks again for the help!

The “Glory of the Raider” achievements also give mounts, and are largely fairly simple to complete just by running through the appropriate raid. A couple of the sub-achieves may require some additional help or a second run (Glory of the Icecrown Raider will require at least two weeks as one of the achievements requires meeting two exclusive conditions for one of the bosses, and the achievement for the final boss is mostly just time-consuming), but most will be obtained by simply killing the requisite boss as quickly as is possible for a high-level character.

Depending on your definitions of “relatively easy,” several come from farming a daily or weekly drop, and several from farming rep with someone, so it takes more time than effort to get them. He’d simply work out an itinerary to hit a few instances and quest hubs until he gets the drop or Exalted rep. And while he’s running instances, he can read up on the Glory achievements and figure out which ones are less complex to solo (a handful involve not killing something quickly, and so get harder at higher levels).

He can browse for a full listing of everything available, then pick out something that interests him and find out how to get it. This guide covers everything so far too:

All great tips. I have been away for over 6 years so I was unsure what the mount situation was these days, so thank you all again!

If your son plays Hearthstone, he may already have the Hearthsteed flying mount.
It will look like a blue horse until you unlock flying and then it flies.