Is Blizzard really at fault for that or the people who exploited the rarity of the TCG cards and the items that came with them (which were never really theirs to begin with) for monetary gain?
It’s Blizzard their intellectual property and it’s their right to do with as they see fit. You’ve been able to enjoy your shiny for about a decade, let it go and move on. At the end of the day it’s just a few pixels in a video game.
I got my Spectral Tiger (not the Swift one) back in… Cataclysm I wanna say? I paid 200,000 gold for it on the AH. A tiny sum by today’s WoW economy standards, but terribly difficult for me to accrue at the time. Yet I have no objection to it being made available to others over a decade later.
I feel the same over the Swift version (which is virtually identical to the regular version) and I hope it becomes available to everyone in some fashion in the future. I don’t value mounts or mogs just because they are rare or difficult to get. I value them based on if I like their aesthetic. It doesn’t matter to me how many other people have something. If it’s something I like, that’s the important thing to me.
I still use quite a few old mounts depending on the mog I am wearing, including oldies such as: Celestial Steed, Winterspring Frostsaber, Quel’dorei Steed, Striped Dawnsaber, Bronze Drake, Twilight Drake, Black War Tiger, and many more. So long as I like the look of the mount, and it’s the best match for the mog I am currently rocking, I’ll use it.
Well both have armor on their heads, the main difference between the two are the pawguards on the Swift one’s paws, and a slightly more vibrant glow (if one looks close enough). I do prefer the regular version though. The pawguards seem a bit clunky to me personally, but I know other people prefer the Swift version precisely because of those pawguards. People like what they like.
Like I said, intellectual property. The entirety of WoW and all its contents doesn’t belong to you, you’re just allowed to use it so long as you keep up your monthly sub.
Mounts shouldnt revolve on real world currency and should be all skill and obtained.
Especially in a game thats got a price and a monthly subscription… thats like going to a car dealership putting a down payment on a car then paying them everytime you bring it to a 3rd party mechanic for their service.
Sure… that and El Pollo Grande too. People forget they’ve actually done this before. The fishing chair with the umbrella was a TCG item and they added it to the game in MoP. You can purchase it from the vendor in your garrison.
Looking at my mount collection right now and Swift Spectral Tiger is indeed there so don’t call someone a liar when they know what mounts they own make you the liar.
It would be nice IF it’s an updated version. I like my low poly mounts as much as the next retro lover, but the Spectral Tiger looked rough even when it was new.
I imagine the reason they stopped making TCG packs was that no one was playing the actual TCG game anymore because 1.) competition from better card games and 2.) Hearthstone. They’d have to solve for that to make it worth bringing the TCG back.
I really want to know what u understand when u read the word “rare”. That doesn’t mean I got the porperty of a TCG loot! That mean, I played years ago, farmed gold and bought a mount that is cool and I did know it would be a rare mount, being a part of my in game history and showing Im an old player. Anyway, like I said above, if they do that I would keep playing the game anyway, but man, I never said the property of “some pixels” like u said, belongs to me.
Don t stop there if you are going to destroy rare items especially the one that were purposefully sold for money. Also add the Black Quiraj mount, Murky from Blizzcon, the bear mount with the blizzcon flag, the corrupted ashbringer, the oggre costume, the KT phoenix mount, the headless horseman mount, the loverocket, Invincible reins, the ZG mounts and tiger etc.
Yes please destroy any kind of collectable item and rare stuff and give them all for afk’ing for 4 hours on a second monitor. Do it… I am sure people will then trust the company even more the next time they sell an item or introduce a limited time promotion.
Actually why not just put all mounts, pets and tabards on a vendor? Everybody pays the same sub so why shouldn t people be able to ride the black quiraj battle tank? /s